Chapter 7- Nemeans and Names

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The atmosphere at the camp fire that night was warm and sparkled with even more excitement than usual, even to Nico.

It was the first after the Giant War and even though the Romans had returned home, the Greek demi-gods remaining were not holding back in their first 'official' celebration. Not quite Olympian-worthy, but thirty odd (mostly) immature, hyperactive teenagers seemed to do the job; Hera knows they had been expected to act like adults enough to last a life time or two.

The usual camp fire songs had been replaced by live upbeat music courtesy of the Apollo cabin, and as the head councillor Will had been the one to rally him cabin-mates into it. He was staged to the left playing an acoustic guitar. Even the other cabins joined in with an open mic every so often; friends jumped and waved their hands in the air and couples swayed and twirled around enjoying the feeling of freedom and safety which had settled over Half-blood Hill. This left Nico to hover awkwardly at the edge of the campers milling around; having already spoken to the others at various points he found himself sat at the back, furthest away from the camp fire where most were gathered around.

The night wore on heading for midnight and despite the live music steadily declining into background records (courtesy of Chiron's gramophone), no campers showed any signs of leaving- even if some of the younger campers did nod off once or twice. A gentle chill had set in when Nico was pulled out of his thoughts by a warm arm brushing against his own.

"Jeez Nico, you're freezing!" Will clamped his hand around Nico's arm making him stomach flutter again.

"I'm always cold to the touch Will, you know that," Nico sighed, trying to smooth over his reaction.

"Well were gonna put a stop to that!" Will had a giddy smile on his face as he jumped to his feet and held out a hand to Nico. Music seemed to have this effect on him. "Come and dance, let loose a little di Angelo."

"I am loose," he grumbled back.

"Well then I'd hate to see what you look like up-tight then Nico," that stupid smile still hadn't vanished from Will's face, "Come on, enjoy the evening. I promise that you will have fun."

Nico just shook his head. "I'm not dancing with you Will."

"You wound me di Angelo." Will placed a hand over his heart and mimicked a hurt expression.

Nico's expression blatantly said that he couldn't care less, but Will stubbornly held eye contact with him. A cough behind them interrupted the moment, which had been getting awkward as the two stared each other in the eye. Nico spun around to find Kayla, Will's half sister, standing awkwardly.

"Sorry Will, some of the younger kids want you to show them your 'wicked guitar skills'," She placed air quotes around the last part not looking convinced. Will seemed just as confused as she was.

"But I don't have wicked guitar skills," the blunt words and slightly perplexed look on Will's face almost made Nico smile before he remembered he was supposed to be disagreeing with him.

Kayla peered around Will at Nico, who was standing slightly behind him and a smug glint crossed her features.

"Don't ask me, you're the head councillor. Come along Wilfred."

Kayla spoke the words with challenge and for the first time ever Nico saw an annoyed (and also slightly betrayed) expression cross Will's features. There was no stopping the corners of Nico's mouth as the curled up into a highly amused smirk which he didn't even try to prevent.

"Wilfred?" Nico's tone was surprised and he couldn't keep the smile out of his voice. Will's mouth just hung open as he gaped at his sister.

"Kayla you promised you'd stop doing that to me!" Will stamped his foot childishly which only amused his sister and Nico further.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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