Not suitable for children!
A bubbly mare trotted along a dirt road, bouncing happily. She looked around the Ever Free Forest, it was beautiful. Most ponies avoid the forest due to timber wolves but if you know the right path you can just miss them. The mare began to flap her wings, preparing for take off and she did. No sound came from anywhere, no disaster just silence. Unknown to her at the time, a earth pony was on the ground, waiting for a unicorn. Just as he was about to give up waiting the pony came and they left. The Pegasus landed at her home, another pony emerged, a filly of hers. They greeted and both entered the home, the older mare began to cook while the little on played near by. Just then a knock came to the door, the older mare answered it to find a stallion outside. He asked to enter and pushed the mare aside without getting an answer. He observed the home, and turned back to the mare. He muttered something into the phone he had and turned to the small filly. He launched for her, intent on harming her. The mother screamed as he tried to grab the child and just as she was going to attack the man she felt a wound form in her back, she turned to see a knife edged deeply in her. She dropped to the ground, her child attempting to fight to get to her mother. The man took the child and ran out the hut, tightly gripping the filly. Leaving the gray mare to die on the ground.