Perks of sleeping/cuddling with luke Part 3

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In the picture imagine When you meet Luke at a concert and he falls in love with you

*Perks of sleeping/cuddling with Luke part three*

•buying you cute nighties to sleep in

•forehead kisses as you climb into bed

•his delicate fingers fixing his hair in the morning

•you waking him up by straddling his hips and placing a kiss on his nose

•waking up and making breakfast together

•cuddling with Luke and his stubble tickles the crook of your neck

•Luke buying you cookies & cream Ice cream both of y'all's favorite and feeding you in bed cuddling

•his delicate fingers playing with yours as you fall asleep

•buying your favorite character stuffed animal for you to cuddle with

•cuddling/sleeping until one p.m.


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