My What? (2)

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You and hiro Wait for Tadashi to wake up. In three hours you were both fine, but Tadashi is worse, much worse. Then, the doctor comes out to the waiting area and says that Tadashi is awake, but he won't remember anything from at most 24 hours before the accident . "So you mean to tell me he won't remember anything that happened 24 hours before the accident? " You ask. "That's right." The doctor states. You walk in the room where Tadashi lays on the bed, chest moving slowly he looks at you. "Hey (Y/N)" He says. You wave sadly and look at his burns. You frown but immediately change your expression. Lighten the mood you think to yourself. "So how's life?" You ask "I've been better. " Tadashi says laughing ,you laugh with him. " but I'll be okay. My best friend is here. " He says. Just bestfriend you think. Then the words " he won't remember anything from at most 24 hours before the accident. " come to mind. Your heart shatters. You back away from Tadashi. He says "(Y/N) wha-" but you cut him off. "I-i I have to go" You run down the hall of the hospital and doctors and nurses tell you to so but you don't.
Tadashi 's P.O.V
Aunt cass comes in and asks me what's wrong with (Y/N) . I don't know I called her my best friend and ....
Then a look of realization comes to her face. "Tadashi do remember anything that happened before the fire?"fire? I shake my head no. "Well you forgot that (Y/N) is your girlfriend." She says. My eyes widen and then I smile. "My what?" I ask again
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So when the writing is in italics it means that the person is thinking not speaking in case you were wondering. So I've np been super busy with rehearsals for my upcoming musical but updates and requests are coming. So, request away. ♡♡♡
{P.S. I know this isn't the best story}

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