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A/N: Hey guys, so I have been in bed all day not wanting to talk to anyone and just thinking. Literally all day. So i'm sorry that I have been lacking on my stories, it's just a hard time for me right now. But i'm trying my hardest to keep it up anyways while I was sleeping somehow sally but a freaking PINK DRESS on me. Code red this is a code red. If you guys don't know A. I hate dresses and B. Pink is a no no it's either black or dark blue for me. So i'm going to go add her to my collection ~Cinder ps. I know I keep switching between Jack and Sean but i'm trying to just stick w

~Mark's POV~ 

I looked at Sean's arm after he told me his long held secret. I'm surprisingly not scared at all. He started staring at me like I had just murdered someone. 

You're not horrified? 

Of course not I could tell there was something up with you I just didn't know what 

Well this only happens when i'm either mad or trying to protect someone from the worst, but I can usually conceal it, I guess this time I let it slip, but I don't want to hurt you Mark I love you to much, if I did hurt you would never be able to forgive myself" I could tell he was tearing up. I pulled up my sleeves to my hoodie, wiped away his tears and kissed his cheek. 

Sean you wouldn't hurt me and if you do then promise me you wouldn't give up and keep going, don't worry about me." All Sean does is nods and he pulled me into a tight hug. We stood there for god knows how long until I finally pull away. 

Come on let's go home 


With that said I grabbed his hand and walked out of the school onto the bus. I decided to go over to Sean's so we could do some homework and play video games. We board off the bus again hand and hand. We walked into Sean's house to see Sean's mom washing the dishes. 

Oh hey Sean who's your friend? 

This is Mark 

Oh why nice to meet you Mark! Sean has told me so much about yo-" she paused and to notice us holding hands. 

A-are you guys

Yeah we are ma 

That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys! she said both giving us a huge tight hug, making me almost tuple over. 

Once she pulled away, I started tearing up. "Thank you Mrs.McLoughlin for being so accepting of us, my mom would never be this accepting.'' I feel Jack's arm start to heat up so I quickly gripped his hand and ran upstairs, Sean close behind. We entered his bedroom and I just leaned my head againest the wall letting it all out. 

"Mark what do you mean your mom would never be this accepting?" 

I turned to look at him, but my vision was blurry from crying so hard. 

"I have never told my mom I'm gay even though I came out almost 6 years ago, she is totally against gays and lesibens." 

"Oh Mark i'm so sorry that must be so hard to keep that secret." 

"Even though I have only have had a few boyfriends, I would have to tell her there only a friend..." 

"Mark look I hate to see you this way, but you're going to have to tell her eventually" 

"Yeah and I was thinking I could today and I was wondering if you could help me with it" 

Of course Mark, come on lets go"

I don't want to hurt you... (septiplier Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now