IRecording with pleasure ❤️

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*Three days later*

Toni Pov: I guess this is the day I can record breathe again

Toni: Well i guess I will call Ken and ask him what time I should come

*Toni calls Babyface*

*Phone conversation*

Toni: Hello Ken?

Babyface: Hey Tone How Are you

Toni: I'm good I'm just Calling to ask you if I Was Still going to record *breathe again* Today

Babyface: Yes You Are You can actually come anytime because none of my artist Has any sessions.

Toni: Okay I'll be There I have to get dressed

Babyface: Okay *bites Lip*

Toni: K Bye *Hangs up*

Toni's Phone began to ring and it was Tamar

Tamar: Hello

Toni: Hey Tay

Tamar : Wyd Chile

Toni: about To go to the studio With Babyface

Tamar: You About to get that thangggggg

Toni: Hahaha No I'm not

Tamar: Okay Gurl 😏 Call me and tell me How He *Knocked the boots off your feet*

Toni: What you say

Tamar: I said call me and tell me how the session went

Toni: That's not what you said but okay

Tamar : Ok luv you bye !

Toni: Bye Tay

Toni hung up the phone and Got dressed.

(25 Minutes Later )
Toni Pov : Im On my way to the studio To record My New song I hope all goes well !

(Toni walks into the studio)
Toni: I'm Here For Babyface

Nina : You again?

Toni: Yea Bitch Me Again problem ?

Nina: No None At All

Toni: that's what I thought ☺️

Toni headed back to Kennys room And he came to the door and let her in

Toni Pov: I Walked in and give Ken a Big ole hug and a kiss on the cheek

Babyface Pov: I hugged toni and looked down at her butt and said to my self *Damnnnnnn*

Toni: Well let's get started

Babyface: okay let's go. Go head to the booth

Toni Started To sing then 4 minutes later she finished and Kenny told her she could come out

Babyface Pov: I'm really feeling toni She So Godamn Sexxy so I'm about to make my move.

Toni: So Ken how did I do ?

Babyface: You did excellent 😃

Toni: Thank you

Babyface: Toni can you come here very quick I Have To tell You something *Scratches Head*

Toni walked over to Babyface and.... Babyface Kissed Toni

Toni: Hold Up Ken what are you doing ?

Babyface: kissing You

Toni: You have a wife Ken

Babyface: Fuck that bitch she's cheating on me anyway

Toni: Kenny I gotta go

Babyface Ran after toni and Picked her up And Slammed her on the couch in his studio room

Toni : Why the fuck you so agressive ?

Babyface: Can I give you something

Toni: What? *Bites Lip*

Babyface: It's something big 😆

Toni: Sure....

(1 1/2 later )

Toni Pov : I can't believe I just had sex with a married man 😔 I feel like a Tramp

Toni: Uhmm I gotta Go.

Babyface: Okay toni I'll call you

Toni: Uhmm sure.....

A/N : I know it's kinda short But Should I continue to Update Or Delete Story??

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