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{3 hours later}

Kenny: Whew Baby

Toni: *Laying on couch Tired*

Kenny: Can you tell I missed you?

Toni: yes I did Damn

Kenny: *stretches* come on let's get in the shower then you gonna get the kids because we have to leave

Toni: *Holding neck*

Toni pov: Damn He Might have been practicing

Kenny: *Walks to shower*

Toni: *Follows*

Kenny: tone we gotta hurry before we miss our flight

Toni: no I don't you shouldn't have wanted to knock my boots for 3 whole hours

Kenny: *Smirks* well

Toni: well don't rush me

Toni:*Grabs Dove Shower Gel*
*Washes face * *Washes body* *Rinses off*

Toni pov:Let me call umba to tell her I'm coming to get the kids so we can leave

Kenny: *Gets Out shower*

Toni: *Calls Umba*

*Umba ❤️☺️*

Towanda : *Answers phone* Hello

Toni: hey umba I'm on my way to get the kiddos we have to fly back home

Umba : *Laughs * how about we meet at the airport because we are leaving too

Toni: fine see you there love you

Towanda : love you too *Hangs up*

Kenny pov: well every since that what thing with me faking my death we haven't realesed anything since hurt you now when we get home we have to finish recording "love marriage divorce" because the fans are waiting !

Toni: Kenneth pack up the kids are going to fly with Towanda

Kenny: Alright *Packing Up His clothes as well as TONIS belongings*

Toni: *packin Her Makeup and Jewelry *

{15 minutes later }

@ The Airport

Air tender: hello thank you for visiting Disney world hope you enjoyed your stay and where are you flying to?

Kenny: California

Air tender: alright you are on the plane to The right Plane 247 *Points to the door leading to the plane* Enjoy your ride

Kenny&Toni: Thank you *Boards the plane*

Toni: Ken you got my bags?

Kenny:Yeah *Grabs bags from Toni *

Toni: *Sits down*
*Puts on shades*

Kenny: *puts bags in the bag carrier *
-Sits down- Toni?

Toni: Yes?

Kenny: When we get back we Have to get in the studio right away because they said if we don't record they are Moving on

Toni: Moving on? *Snatches sunglasses off*

Kenny: Yes

Toni: It's your fault We haven't recorded Stupid Asswipe just leave me alone *Puts headphones in*

Kenny: Okay Toni

Kenny pov: Well she didn't take that well and I see she's gonna hold this against me and use this as an excuse for everything But I'll get used to it *Rubs Temples*

Kenny: *Tries to rub Tonis back*

Toni: *Half sleep*

Kenny : *Continues*

Toni: Get off of me *Plucks kenny*

Kenny: Feisty I like that

Toni: *Side eyes * you don't wanna see Tonequiesha she's in the cage recovering

Kenny: wow I'm sooooooo scared

Toni: you better be boy

Kenny: okay Toni

Toni: *Falls asleep*


*Plane lands*

Toni Pov: I'm really tired *Sighs* I just wanna get to my kids

Kenny: *Gets all the bags*

Toni : *Gets off the plane gets in the limo*

Kenny: *Gets in after toni*

{30 minutes later @ Tonis house}

Peyton: *Sees Toni And kenny*
*Opens the door*
MOMMY *Jumps on Toni*

Toni: Pey *Kisses Peyton's forehead* I missed  you where is the twins?

Peyton: in the kitchen with umba

Kenny: Hey Daddy's girl *Tries to talk to Peyton *

Peyton: *Puts head down* Hi *Walks after toni*


DENIM: Mom *Smiles* you finally made it

Diezel: she's Toni she's always late

Toni: haha hey umba *Blows kiss*

Towanda: Hey Tone

Diezel: Her and Kenny probably was knocking Boo- *Gets cut off my toni*

Toni: Young man what did you say? *Eyes widen*

Diezel: N-nothing

Toni: I better not hear you say that again!

Kenny: hi everybody

Denim: Wassup

Diezel: Wassup dude?

Peyton: *Coloring with umba*

Kenny: *Walks to Peyton * what are you doing baby?

Peyton: N-Othing just coloring with umba

Kenny: can you forgive me?

Peyton: Yeah sure *Looking at kenny*

Kenny: *Śmìłèš*

Toni: We Are All Reunited Back to the way things where now Kenny you have to please my mother *Sighs*


A/N: I know it took me FOREVERRRRRRR To Update But here you go Comment How you feel and vote ☺️

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