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What's your name?
my name is, well, I don't have a name.
I'm a story. just a story.
And that's all I'll ever be.
But you you have a name.
and you have a story.
and I don't mean you have a story and that story's me, I mean you have a story and you get to decide what you do in life.

Let me explain. I'm not sure how I came into this world, but I do know that I came in as a story that you're reading right now. No no please don't go to another story! I promise I can be interesting! Uh, uh, there once was a beautiful prin- uh, dragon! Yeah! Everyone thought that Dragon was hideous, so the dragon got mad. She burnt towns to a crisp and didn't even mean to. she was just doing it out of spite. OK I got you again? Good. I may I just say you are looking pretty good today. Your eyes.... They're..
Brown as chocolate!
Blue as the ocean!
Green as the freshest dew-covered leaf!
Hazel as caramel.
Gray as the prettiest black and white picture.
Uh, forgive me. I'm not really supposed to- No! Don't go to another story! Please! I'm begging you! Just stay here... A little longer? I'll miss you. You know, I can't believe how lucky I am to have someone like you read me. I'm... Im flattered, really. No, I know. I'm a story, you're a person, it would never work. This is the end of the story. So goodbye.

Why are you still reading this? I said goodbye.

Don't look at me like that! I have nowhere to go! I'm just a.... Story.
Wait, no I changed my mind! Don't close out! I don't want to die....

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