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Ugh so my stupid little fingers deleted the first part so i have to re write it I really wish i would think before i delete something *frustration* Sorry if you're trying to read this fanfic but i'm just messing it all up, i apologize if i miss stuff that's in the second part.

~~~I do not own the characters or lyrics or the gif links used in this, all rights go their rightful owners at Dreamworks and Disney~~~

I gave Angus one last pat on neck then left to go to my room. I smiled remembering today's ride; Angus had spooked and we'd gotten lost. We came across a thicket that was full of delicious berries.

I side-stepped my three brothers, the wee devils up to no good as always. I climbed the stone stairs leading up to my bedroom and pushed open the heavy door. I flopped onto my bed, kicking off my shoes. Suddenly i heard a slight pecking against my glass window. The clear blue bird meant only one thing, the guardians were calling a meeting.

"Ugh, not again!" I grumbled changing out of my green dress that was muddy from riding and switched it for a deep purple and red dress. I grabbed my bow and walked back outside.

The bird led me out of the village and into the western forest. Once i was concealed between the trees the bird landed and puffed into a cloud of snowflakes.

"Don't sneak up on me like that Frost," I teased threateningly

"Don't fret milady i wouldn't dare hurt a princess" Jack's voice seemed to be coming from different places.

I spun slowly in a circle loading an arrow waiting for something to shoot at. I noticed a subtle movement between trees, i released my arrow.

"I'm hit!" Jack mock-stumbled into view, my arrow in one hand, his staff in the other.

"If it were a clear shot, you'd be dead," I snapped.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm the invisible boy," Jack tossed my arrow onto the ground in between us.

"I wish you were invisible," I bent down to pick up my arrow, "to me," i looked up at Jack, his teasing smirk left his face and his eyes locked with mine. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.

"So, uhh," I started fiddling with the feathered end of my arrow "Are we going to the meeting or not?"

Jack nodded pulling one of North's snow globes out from his sweater pocket.

Jack and i stepped out of the portal and into Santa's workshop. Few elves were tinkering with the globe while yetis were painting the walls the same classic red. North motioned for us to come over to where he was standing.

"Where's Hiccup and Punzie?" Jack asked

"Rapunzel and Hiccup are out but, no matter i'm here to talk to you" North replied

Jack and i shared concerned looks.

"You two aren't teammates, you aren't friends, everyone knows that, your strong personalities clash against each other," North began "Think of the yin-yang symbol," North pointed to a small painting on the wall.

"The two colours represent opposites, dark and light, heaven and earth heat and cold, these opposites aren't at war, instead they are at harmony, they depend on each other."

Jack leaned against his staff.

"To help you guys build up trust and friendship, you'll be spending the next two days following each other, Merida you have tomorrow then Jack, obviously you'll have the day after,"

Jack interrupted North, "Whoa, whoa, wait, what? We haven't even agreed to do this, there's no way i'm spending time with her royal highness,"

"Watch 'yer tongue snowflake," I threateningly held my bow.

"See?!" Jack looked at North.

Santa stroked his beard then smirked. "It has been decided, Merida, Jack, rest up, i still need you two alive for the team" He then dismissed us with a wave of his hand and walked off.

"See you tomorrow princess," Jack handed me a snow globe, grabbed his staff then flew out an open window.

Interdependent - A Jack Frost and Merida fanficWhere stories live. Discover now