Chapter | 4

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  I sat down next to Piper happily.
"I still do not see how you get so excited over the first day of class," she laughed,
"No, it's not that I uh," I looked down nervously but still full of excitement at my lap, I looked back up,
"I have, a date, Saturday actually," Piper's eyes widened with excited ness, and August spit out a piece of toast,
"Yeah, his names Chase, he's our year and Ravenclaw, he actually saved me from a escaped Bogart third year,"
"Oh that guy!! I know him! He is super cute, good job Juniper," she playfully put her arm around my shoulders,
"Um," August cleared his throat,
"I haven't met this guy," he said,
"Oh! Well I guess I'll introduce you during third period, we all have D.A.D.A together!" I said, smiling.
I happily finished breakfast, listening to conversation around me. Nothing could ruin my mood.

"watch yourself daydream," a shoulder ran into me, my books falling to the ground. I bent down to pick them up, when Asher's eyes met mine.
I let out a small groan,
"why are you, -your so," I struggled to find the words,
"I'm so what daydream? Sorry, did you get lost in my magical charm?"
"you, Asher, are many things, but charming is most definitely not one of them," I said cooly, straightening my posture as i swung my bag of books back to my side,
"is that so?"
"yes, and for your information, I was going to say, why, are you so obsessed with me?"
he looked taken aback with fake-shock,
"why in merlin's beard would I be obsessed with you?" we continued to walk to our first class, yes, I had Transfiguration with a mixture of Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor.
"I could have any girl in this castle at the snap of my fingers," he laughed exasperatingly,
"yes, that may be true, but, all of the girls except one, me. And that's why I am now so irresistible to you Asher, don't you see? It's human nature for man to fall for the things pathetically out of their reach,"
he stopped dead in his tracks, and stared, I walked confidently into the room before him and found my seat, which just so happened to be right next to Chase!
"Oh hello Juniper!" he said excitedly in an adorable way,
"Chase," I nodded my head and smiled in the sweetest way I could.
Professor McGonagal was writing notes for us to take across the chalk board, she always wrote them herself without using her wand. I liked that about her.
Today was our notes day, we did wand practice yesterday so this was going to be a quiet, relaxing class.
"So, uh, I was thinking for Saturday," Chase started shyly yet adorably,
"we could walk to Hogsmeade together, and stop by the Three Broomsticks for a drink, and then we could just do some window shopping?"
"That sounds truly amazing," I sighed happily,
"Quiet you two!" the Professor snapped, we both jumped back to our notes holding in laughs, our cheeks blushing. I looked up to read the board and caught Asher glaring in my direction and realized he was looking at Chase, he looked as if he were trying to burn a hole in the back of his head. He saw me staring and looked back down at his paper embarrassed. He was griping his quill so tight I thought it was going to snap in half.
A part of me felt horrible, he looked like a wounded puppy. The other half was pleased at his jealousy, I was not proud of this feeling but I'm not going to lie. After watching him snog girl after girl in the corridors throughout our years at Hogwarts, this was payment enough. A sick feeling arose in my gut, was the only reason I am going with Chase to get Asher jealous? Couldn't be, Chase was adorable and sweet and good-looking. Who wouldn't want that?
I shortly shook my head and cleared my thoughts to focus back on my notes.
"wh-" I spun to the side to the direction where a paper wad had come from and hit me in the head,
Asher was smirking, and leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. 'Read it' he mouthed.
    I slowly bent down and picked up the wad off the floor, I looked around and saw no one had noticed, cautiously I un-crumpled the paper,
the wad exploded, sparks flying everywhere, all sorts of colors filled the room, and a very prude picture of the professor appeared in bright colors on the chalk board. Gasps erupted throughout the room, all heads turned to face me.
"Ms. Juniper," Professor McGonagal shook her head disapprovingly,
"but Professor, Asher-" I stuttered, I had never been in trouble before,
"I don't know who is involved in this, but the two of you better exit the room, please, go out to the hall until further addressed,"
I stood up quickly, cheeks flushing the brightest red, and walked out of the room avoiding stares, Asher strutting behind me.

horrible!!" I push Asher's shoulder only pausing to yell between shoves,
I have him against the wall, and I'm panting.
"Easy there daydream you might actually bruise me," he barely gets out between laughs, I glare at him with fire in my eyes.
"Well aren't you just ever-so adorable when you're mad," he tilted his head, pouting down at me with his irresistible brown puppy eyes.
"Stop that!" I shout, averting my eyes to the ground,
"I'm not doing anything Juniper," he laughed innocently,
"why are you the most impossible human being on this planet?"
"I think you mean.." he quickly places his hands on either side of my waist and turns, he now has me pinned against the wall,
he leans in to kiss me yet again, and this time I lean in to, but only to fake him out. I place my hand between his mouth and mine just a moment before our lips touch,
"oh," he pulls his head back and frowns,
"well that is hardly fair,"
"no," I grunt attempting to wiggle from his grip,
"you are the unfair one," I spit out as I struggle to slip away,
"ugh, just let me go Asher!" I give up, relaxing my muscles, but he doesn't loosen his hands from my waist, only smirks,
I roll my eyes,
"oh bite me,"
" I might take you up on that offer-" he leans in a second time but I step on his shoe taking him by surprise,
"ha!" I yell and pump my fist into the air unattractively after escaping his grasp.
"A number of times you have tried to capture me, and failed, when will you learn your lesson?" I leaned against the wall, legs crossed, and arms crossed across my chest.
"You'll be the one learning the lesson daydream, I always get what I want,"
"well you won't get me,"  I rolled my eyes, and blew a strand of hair out of my face,
"did I ever tell you how ever-so attractive you are when you're mad princess?" he said smoothly, looking me up and down. I swallowed, and uncrossed my arms, don't let him win, don't let him win, I repeated to myself.
"I'm going to my dorm, seeing as we won't be able to return to class for the rest of the day, no thanks to you," I adjusted my bag and strutted away.
"see you in detention doll face," he called after me,
    my shoulders tensed but I kept walking. He is not, going to win. Not if I can help it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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