Chapter | 2

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I walked back to my cabin that Piper and August were in, in complete shock. I can not believe that Asher just kissed me. He has been the one person I have hated most since First Year, beside the fact that I have also had a tiny crush on him since then to. It's hard not to like a guy who drives you out of your mind, yet has the prettiest eyes and kind smile. Piper always said that our 'bickering' was flirting but I always laughed and pushed that thought aside. Why would Asher, a Slytherin who has teased and poked at me for five years, suddenly become so interested in me? Especially enough to kiss me?
I made it to the cabin quicker than I thought I would, I had been lost in thought the whole time.
"What took you so long Juniper?" asked Piper,
"and I thought you went to go get a snack?" she pointed out I had returned empty handed.
"Oh, uhm, the trolley was gone since we are, uh, so close to school," I quickly said and sat down to gather my things.
August looked at me suspiciously, he of course new I was lying, but thankfully didn't say anything.
"Well, I'm going to go get changed, meet you two at the carriages," he said, jumping up to walk out the door.
"See ya Augie," Piper waved.
She turned around quickly to face me, she was onto my case to.
"So uh, you going to tell me the real reason why you came back so late and flustered?" she said, teasingly but also knowingly.
   I took a deep breath.
"Well. I sort of r-ran into Asher and, he-he might of uhm, kissed me and then got me in trouble for it.." I said, wincing at the word kiss.
She gasped and ran up to me,
"No way! That little weasel I swear when I get my hands on him-"
"Pipe hang on, it's fine, I-I don't really m-mind," I said sheepishly putting my last item into my bag.
"Of course! How could I be so incredibly dull! You've had a crush on him since First Year I knew it!" she said excitedly pacing around the cabin, my face getting redder.
"Oh stop that I don't need another thing distracting me from school, let alone rumors and romance. Now, lets go I don't want to be the last carriage!"
  We were half way down the hall when Piper stopped,
"Shoot! I forgot my wand in the seat! I'll be with you in a moment just go," she waved her hands at me in annoyance.
"O-Okay, I'll just," and I continued walking down the hall, lost in thought.

   "Not again daydream haven't you had enough snogging for one day?" said none other than Asher.
"No. No no no no no no," I said, backing up down the hall,
"What, am I making you nervous again?" he said walking towards me,
"you can't just keep doing this to me! You keep, you keep-" I stuttered, frustrated at my loss of words,
"oh daydream, am I getting in your head?" he asked innocently tilting his head,
"I'm not trying to, it's just, well, there's something I've been meaning to do all these years and I just now realized it," he walked up to me, his hand behind my head, and kissed me, again.
This time I pushed him away, which only encouraged him to pull me closer. It's not that I didn't love the feeling of kissing him, it's the fact that I have no clue if it is meaningful or just boredom.
He pulled away, a look of satisfaction covered his face. I tried to look angry, but it was hard to, which only made me blush even more.
"well, I best be on my way daydream, don't want to be stuck on this train while it's leaving," he winked, which made me weak in the knees, and strutted off.
"I told you to go ahead and I would meet you at the carriage silly!" Piper laughed, just now getting back from retrieving her wand.
"took you long enough," I sighed under my breath.
She laughed and we walked to the carriages.

When we arrived at the carriages there were only two left and the first one was full, leaving us with the last one.
"we always get the last one," Piper moaned.
"what the bloody hell took you two so long?!" August had waited. He always waits for us.
"well no one said you had to wait for us," Piper rolled her eyes, and hopped onto the carriage, but she stopped one leg onto it the other on the ground.
"what are you doing here?!" she shouted,
August and I looked up to see Asher sitting in the carriage flipping through a magazine. He looked up, and smiled,
"oh I uh, got sidetracked.." he smirked looking into my eyes.
"Well scoot," Piper barked waving her hands at him. She sat down next to him crossing her arms and legs. Piper was truly beautiful, her dirty blonde hair was always up in a high pony tail, she had long smooth legs, and her eyes were wild. All the guys at school drool over her but she never even gives them a second glance.
August sat down across Piper and I sat across Asher. We sat in silence about half the way to the castle. Asher kicking my leg and messing with my foot, was this really his idea of flirting?
"So," Piper said, glaring at Asher,
"don't Pipes," I said nervously under my breath,
"What? I was just going to ask him what he did over break," she said innocently.
Asher laughed and leaned back, his arms behind his head.
"I went on a small trip to-" but before he could finish the carriage stopped and we arrived at the castle. Piper jumped out and grabbed her bag, strutting away and into the Great Doors, August trailing after her.
I took my time gathering my things, and so did Asher.
"so what do you want, hm? With me, what do you want with me," I turned and he was right in front of me,
"because if you're just looking for a person to snog in your free time I am not your girl-"
"Oo, my girl, I like the sound of that," he said, smiling down at me.
"No! No don't get any ideas! I am not your girl, you do not own me," oh he made me so mad,
"Oh but I do, in a way. Just in one day I have kissed you, twice, and got you to come at my beckon call. I don't think owning someone could be any more clear than that." he whispered, he was enjoying this so much, my anger only egging him on.
"You think I will come whenever you call like a lost pup? You think I will just, kiss you whenever you ask?" I laughed, exasperatingly.
"What exactly is going on in your mind, what do you think is going to happen this year?!"
"I think," he said stepping closer,
"that I always get what I want, and I will, make something happen," he tried to kiss me but i put my book over his mouth, surprising him. I laughed,
"and I will do everything in my power to stop you," I walked away smiling, I one this round, leaving him shocked behind me.

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