Chapter 1: The help of another

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    When the YouTube site grew bigger and bigger, the government knew it'd be harder to control. There were people with bigger numbers than armies... even states! They knew they had to stop it. Their prime target was the biggest content creator on YouTube..."PewDiePie." They knew that YouTube grew to the point where all kinds of different people were getting numbers. Especially that Swedish fella. So it had to be an inside job. Attacking from the shadows like cowards. The YouTubers WILL fight back... they will win.  And this mission... this WAR... all starts with a man playing video games...

      (Mark Fischbach's residence)

     "And I'll see you... in the next video. Buh-bye!" Markiplier said as he ended the recording.  Mark was very exhausted after a long day of videos. "Well its time  to edit... great." Mark said to himself and began editing, but then decided to get a quick snack.

    As mark walked to his fridge he heard a series of knocks at his door. He opened it to check who it was. "Oh shit, Felix!? I wasn't expecting you here...What's going on?" Mark asked Felix still shocked by seeing him. "Can I come in!?" Felix said quickly. He seemed very jumpy. Mark let him in his house as he started rambling.

     "Mark this is serious, I need your help! Two men in black suits showed up at my house and they beat the shit out of me, then they put me on a plane to America! Luckily I overheard their plan. They said the U.S government was planning on taking over YouTubers for their power!" Felix said, catching his breath, as he locked the door. "I barely made it out of the camp they put me in. They've got Jack and their next target is-" Felix said as he was interrupted by a loud noise.

    "Come out with your hands up!" A loud voice said. Mark and Felix ducked behind cover. "Oh shit... this is real!? It's not a joke!?"  Mark asked while panicking. "Oh's the two men that showed up at my place!" Then, suddenly, an explosion went off causing Mark's door and parts of his wall to fall down. The two YouTubers were also caught in the blast but, fortunately they were fine. Behind the smoke of the explosion Mark and Felix saw two shadowy figures that appeared to have guns.

     Felix whispered to Mark "We've got to jump out the window or something!" Mark looked around the house nervously. "Window!" Mark quickly said as he pointed at a window near them. As Mark and Felix ran toward the window, the two mysterious men pointed their guns at them and fired many shots. None of their bullets hit Mark or Felix except for one. One had hit Mark right on his leg while he and Felix jumped out of the window.

    They landed on the sidewalk of a street when a huge trailer was driving towards them, and the trailer tried to turn. The trailer then flipped over and blew up. "Oh ho ho. Pewdiepie is here too!? What a catch!" said one of the men walking toward Felix and Mark. Green goo was spilling out of the trailer and formed a puddle around mark.

     "That's the stuff they tried to make me drink at he camp! Mark get out of there!" Felix yelled, trying to get up. Mark, still in a lot of pain, noticed his wound was getting healed. He couldn't feel the pain anymore. Instead mark started feeling a power inside him. To Mark, everything was in slow motion. Mark got up and punched one of the men in the face and then kicked the other one in the stomach. To Felix, he just saw a pink flash and then two unconscious men with Mark standing over them.

    "What the Fuck just happened!?" Felix yelled at Mark. Mark looked down at his hands. "I don't know, but we have to leave." Mark told Felix while helping him up. "Your bullet wound is gone."  Felix said pointing at his leg. "I know... I mean I'd don't know how, but I do know it's gone. Whatever let's go." Mark said to Felix as police and ambulances started showing up.

    Luckily they got away and fled to a nearby park. Near the park was a store. "We need to buy a jacket to cover up our faces and maybe some new clothes." Felix said taking out his wallet.  Mark left his wallet at his home. "I don't have my money  with me" Mark said so Felix gave him some money.  "Let's go. "Felix said covering his face while walking toward the store.  Mark did the same.

     When they finally arrived to the store, Felix bought a red hoodie that covered his face and he got some brown boots. "If it's not fabulous they won't think it's me" Felix said laughing. Mark grabbed a scarf that covered his mouth and neck. He then saw a green jacket, right when he was about to put it on someone came up to him.

    "Markiplier!? EEE! Can I get a picture?!" The person asked. Turns out it was a girl. "You ready Mark?" Felix asked while walking toward Mark, carrying what he was going to buy. The girl yelled again. "Pewdiepie too! Can I get a picture with you two!? " The girl asked Felix and Mark. "Sure" Felix said. They took a  quick picture then mark said "Sorry we have to go! Nice meeting you." After that they quickly walked towards the check out. The clerk didn't say much. So they bought their things and automatically put them on afterwards.

    "So where are we heading. I don't have my phone, do you?" Mark asked Felix as they walked out of the store. "No. They  took it from me at the camp." Felix told Mark as he suddenly stopped. "Wait...why don't we just go back to your place?" Felix asked. "Because of me." An aggressive Irish voice said interrupting their conversation.

    "Jack!? What the hell are you doing here?!" Mark asked. A green aura arose around Jack. He punched Felix, leaving him on the ground. "Jack what the hell?!" Mark yelled. "Oh, it's nothing  personal Mark, it's" Jack got into a fighting stance. "Mark... that's not him. They brainwashed the real Jack. Our friend." Felix  told Mark as he wiped blood off of his face. 

    In super speed, Jack ran behind Mark and kicked him on the back. Mark was pushed forward and then he turned around. "The only way he'll get out of the trance he's by beating the shit out  of him." Felix said to mark while catching his breath. "I'm just doing this to help you buddy" Mark said as he got into a fighting stance.

   A  pink aura arose around Mark. Then, he lunged toward Jack and kicked him in the face. Jack stepped back and did a flip. As he landed he pulled out a staff and swung it at Mark. He hit him on the leg then on his face. As Jack was preparing to hit him a third time, Mark  disappeared. Jack looked around him with a confused expression on his face. Mark reappeared behind Jack and elbowed his head. Jack fell to the floor but quickly pushed himself up. Mark was looking at his hands, comprehending what he just did.

   Jack threw a fist at Mark, but he caught it. Jack tried to punch Mark with his other hand but, he caught that as well. Marks and Jack's auras grew bigger and clashed into each other. Mark was putting too much strain on his body but was able to kick Jack in the stomach. Mark then threw his fist back and punched Jack in the face as hard as he could. Jack fell unconscious onto the floor but, before Mark could gloat, he collapsed onto the floor next to Jack. Both of them were  unconscious. Felix looked over the both of them with his eyes widened...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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