Chapter Three

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“Demii, I want to wear make-up!” Jasmine demanded, I looked at her questioningly, “and why is that?” I asked, “Because I want to look hot!” Jasmine snapped, she was 12 and didn’t need to depend on make-up to feel beautiful. “You’re already pretty enough!” I stated, and I meant it, Jasmine was quite pretty. “Not for James, he is too interested in Lindsay!” Jasmine sulked; I sighed and passed Darlene her bottle, “I am sure that you have some good qualities that Lindsay doesn’t have!” I suggested, Jasmine shook her head, “No, I wish I had boobs like yours!”, I was shocked, had my sister been admiring my breasts for a while and I didn’t know. “Thanks?” I muttered, I wasn’t sure how to take that comment. “So will you give them to me!” Jasmine joked, I nodded my head, “Sure take them, they will take a load off my shoulders!” I laughed, I soon realised that was the very first time I had ever had fun with my younger sister.

“What are you two blabbering about?” Siarah asked as she walked into the kitchen, “nothing that concerns you!” Jasmine stated, I could feel the tension through the floor, “meow, cut it out guys!” I demanded, Siarah backed down and Jasmine hesitated, “Jasmine!” I warned, I didn’t want to be walked over by a 12 year old. Jasmine didn’t back down, I rolled my eyes then suggested we all watch a movie.

I let Jasmine and Siarah decide what movie we watched and went and put Darlene into bed. Darlene must have been tired because she fell asleep pretty quick. I gazed over her cot and realised she didn’t have any toys, when I was younger I didn’t go anywhere without one. I went to my room and grabbed one of my old teddies and gave it to Darlene, just for a bit of comfort. I quietly walked out of her room and turned off the light and closed the door, then walked down the hallway to see what movie the two had picked.

“I want to watch Destiny!” Jasmine cried, “I want to watch Chosen by a horse!” Siarah snapped. I rolled my eyes for the second time that night, they couldn’t decide. I walked into the lounge room and picked up a random DVD, Shopaholic Rehab. I placed it in the DVD player and sat on the couch. The twins stared at me in shock. I urged them to join me, they both sit next to me and I hold my hand up, “Uh no, popcorn” I add. Jasmine shakes her head in disapproval, “Siarah, go fetch!”, Siarah jumped up and ran into the kitchen grabbing the large bowl full of popcorn and bringing it over to us. We all grabbed huge handfuls and stuffed ourselves silly whilst watching Shopaholic Rehab. It seemed like forever until the movie had ended but when it did I swear I was half asleep. I looked down and saw the two twins asleep, popcorn was all over the floor and Jasmine had dribbled a tiny bit on the couch. I tried to wake them both up but they wouldn’t budge. Darlene’s small red wheelie wagon, or whatever it was called, caught my attention. I turned the TV off and stood up, I wheeled it over to the couch then stared at the twins. I grab Siarah and place her tiny butt in the wagon and wheeled it away, to her room. I tried to be as slow as possible so I wouldn’t wake her, I wheeled her down the hall until I reached her room then I opened the door. I had never been in the twins room actually, it was really pink, Siarah’s side of the room had pictures of horses plastered over all the walls whereas Jasmine had pictures of boys and friends all over hers. I picked Siarah up and tucked her into bed, she had horse blankets and pillows and I will admit it was quite cute. I grabbed her horsey teddy that was on the ground and placed it in her arms, she looked so peaceful. Now I had to get Jasmine.

Thankfully Jasmine had woken up when I got to her. She walked to her room and tucked herself in. I hit the light and then went to bed myself, and I found sleep came quite easily. Now all I have to do is try and keep sleeping, which knowing me would probably be very hard.

I soon think of the night I had just had, maybe the two twins aren't that bad after all. Maybe just maybe, they are like me in some bizzare way.


Did you enjoy:)

I am seriously can NOT write long chapters...there must be something wrong with me...haha

keep being awesome peeps and dont forget to


(and VOTE-COMMENT-FAN, but they aren't that important;))

hehe.... Next chapter hopefully will be up ASAP! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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