Chapter two

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I searched around the empty lot, no one. Carter said he would be here, he must be late. I reached into my pocket for my phone when I felt something wrap around my waist, Carter. “Hey stranger!” I whispered holding Carters arms, “hey babe” Carter replied, I turn my body around and kissed Carter on the lips. He held me for a moment, I inhaled his scent, “I missed you” I purred into his ear, he giggled then pulled me closer, embracing the moment.

“Come with me” Carter pulled me away and tugged on my hand, I followed and we ended up underneath a tall oak tree. ‘It’s perfect!” I raved, Carter scratched his head in confusion “it’s a stupid old tree, now shut up and kiss me” Carter urged, I did what I was told and his lips touched mine.

I felt like a slave, pleasing everyone. Carter always demanded me to kiss him, half the time I didn’t want to but I had to, I always fear Carter will hurt me if I didn’t do as I was commanded. Carter lifted his hand up my shirt, I flinched, I badly wanted him to stop. He pulled his lips and hand away from me, “don’t tense up babe” Carter snapped, “I’m sorry, it’s just I don’t feel like doing anything today” I lied, I sat down under the tree and stared at the distance.

“Ok then, I, uh, better to go!” Carter answered, then he bent down and kissed my lips, “bye” I whispered, he ignored me and walked off to his car, then drove away.

I stared at the grass for a while, then started to daydream, god only knows what about. “You ok?” A voice asked, I turned my head to see a boy, around my age standing there gazing at me, creepy much.

“Uhh, do I know you? And how long have you been standing there?” I asked curiously, this guy had creeped me out. “Don’t worry, I wasn’t there that long, I saw that guy though, he’s an ass!” The guy complained, “hey, you don’t know Carter, and what’s your name?” I asked and stated at the same time, hey I’m a multi tasker. “My name is Kyle, and I don’t think I need to know Carter to say he’s an ass hole!” Kyle hissed “I don’t want to see you get hurt”, I smiled on the inside, and some stranger cared about me.

“I’m Demii, and thanks, for your opinions but they weren’t needed!” I snapped then stood up and walked off, over towards my car.

I opened the door and sat in the seat, and stared at Kyle. I know I must sound like a big creep, but he was so cute, yet irritating like a child I guess. I sat in the car for a good ten minutes before Kyle came over to me.

“Sorry, I have a habit of speaking before thinking” Kyle apologised, I smiled, “old habits die hard!” I joked, “hey I should be sorry too, for being so rude” I fussed. Kyle smiled, “Don’t worry about it, look I have to go, but we should hang out some time” Kyle suggested, I nodded, “I would like that.” “Cool, well I better leave you be” Kyle suggested then walked away, slowly. “Wait, Kyle” I shouted, he turned around and smiled, “yes?” I laughed, “See you around!”

See you around, See you around, seriously was that the best I could think of! I laughed out loud and shut the car door. The car grumbled as it started up, I clipped my seatbelt and backed out of the parking lot slowly. Seconds later I was driving down the main road, just minutes away from my house.


I opened the door and was greeted by the two girls fighting, mum cooking and Darlene in that weird jumpy thing. “And where have you been, Demii?”  mum asked, I turned around, “where you talking to me?” I asked back, “Is anyone else here called Demii?” mum threw back. I stared at the kitchen ceiling then answered, “I dunno, maybe?” “Don’t be smart! I’m going out tonight, you have to look after the kids!” Mum proposed. I stood in the kitchen with my mouth open, great a night of chaos with three crying kids, I know I’m half related to them but, I have things I could do!


Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the story so far:)

Chapter 3 should be up soon, so keep being awesome till then:)

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Narabri says hii, haha, just chilling with my Mexican Walking fish:)

Love Isobellaxoxox:) XD

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