At The Beach~ Heatwave x Blades And Boulders X Chase

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{ Hai again guys!! It's been a year! I finally got the song for you guys!}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One summer Day, It was the perfect Day to go to the beach. Cody wanted to show The Rescue bots a bit more of Griffin rock. Why not? And the fact he found a Secret one...I was beautiful. He told no one about it. He could take them there!! They never tell secrets. He would just tell his dad That they were going on Patrol. The rest were Out, Kade was at the movies, Dani at the park, Graham at the mountains, And Chief Burns was here watching over the base. He decided to go ask. "Dad?", He asked. "Huh? Yes Cody?", Chief Burns said looking up from looking at a newspaper. "Uh...Can me and The Rescue bots go on "Patrol"?", He asked hoping his father wouldn't find out. "It's an enjoyable day...We have the day off...Ok", He responded looking down and reading his newspaper. "Yes! Thanks dad!!", Cody said happily before running to tell them the good news.
-At the basement...-
"Guess what guys?!?", Cody said happily entering. "Cody? What are you so happy about?", Chase asked. "I get to take you guys to a secret place...", Cody said giggling. "Where?", Blades said with curiousity. "A private beach!!", Cody said. "But tell no one!!", He said seriously. "Ok!", Blades said happy. "Let's go! It's the perfect day!!", Cody said. "Fine...", Said Heatwave having a slight blush on his face. "You guys? Me and Chase will catch up. We gotta go get the stuff", Blades said. "Blades is correct", Chase said adding in. ".......Ok!!", Boulders said before the two transformed and rolled out. Cody rode in Heatwave.
-At the Beach.....-
"How'd you get a place this Beautiful?!?!", Boulders said getting a glimpse. "I found it when I was a kid", Cody said. "Wow...He's right", Heatwave said. All three were transformed and looking at the sea and the Beautiful beach. "Where should we go?", Boulders said. "How 'bout there by the palm trees?", Boulders said pointing towards The left side of the beach. As the three sat down in the shade of the trees, The took a nap.
-A bit later...-
"Um...Guys? How do we look?", Blades asked. All three opened their eyes. All three blushed. Blades was wearing a Red one piece bathing suit with the Autobot rescue symbol in the middle with his Orange towel. He tossed Heatwave his red towel. Chase was wearing a Light blue Bikini with The Autobot symbols on it. Heatwave and Boulders had nosebleeds. "Who wants to eat?", Blades said handing out some Energeon. He handed Cody a sandwich. As they ate lunch, After wards, Chase said, "Who wants to go play?", He said having a Volleyball and the net. As the set it up, The teams were formed. Heatwave and Blades and Boulders and Chase. As Blades tossed the ball over to Chase, Chase jumped and blocked it. Boulders blushed at looking at his round aft. After the game, It was a tie. "Who wants go in the water?!?", Blades said running across the beach with Chase. "It will be fun!!", Chase said smiling. Boulders blushed. It was rare to see Chase smile. As they ran, The two boys got a better glimpse at their Booty. [Swiggity SWAGGITY Swoogity I'm comin' for dat booty!!
-From Foxy FNAF]
As the two mechs splashed in the water they smiled having fun in the water. Both were filled with smiles and giggles. "Heatwave?", Blades said getting out of the water soaking wet, With Chase still swimming and playing alone in the water having fun by himself. "Wanna build Sandcastles with me?", Blades asked Making one tower. "No thanks", Heatwave said. "Please honey?", Blades said having those Puppy eyes. "Ok..", Heatwave said sitting with him as they both made Sandcastles.
-With Chase and Boulders....-
Chase was jumping up and down in the water and water splashed all over him. Boulders was still bright pink at seeing this. Water splashed all over his aft and Groin. He was in giggles. Boulders swam secretly behind Chase who was too busy splashing and having fun to notice Boulders behind him. Boulders stood up and Grabbed Chase by his slender waist. Chase squeaked. He started squealing like crazy. "A-Ahh..~Boulders", Chase said getting a kiss on his soft lips of his. "Wanna play In the water?", Chase said his head resting against his chassis. His face in a small blush. "Ok!", Boulders said splashing water on him and Chase. He saw those Aqua Eyes on his Sea ones. Chase was giggling a lot. "How 'bout we go back and take a rest?", Chase said looking up at him. "Why not?", Boulders said carrying Blades bridal style. Chase was blushing Red now. "B-Boulders!!". "Easy now Princess", Boulders said walking back. "You think I'm a Princess?", Chase said curious. That curious face looked like and Angel. "Yes Princess Chase", Boulders said teasing him. Chase squealed. He had never heard someone think he was a Princess. "Were here", Boulders said placing Chase on the ground in the shade of the palm tree. As he sat down next to him, He kissed his forehead and held his hand. Long ago....
-Flashback to back on Cybertron...-
"A mech wanted Chase too. He would always flirt with him, but Chase refused. When he met Boulders, He was in love with him. And Boulders was in love with Chase. They went out on dates at Movies, Ice cream shops, Pizzeria's, And Resturants. The Mech was known as Silver Shadow. When he found out Chase was already dating he was furious. One day while Boulders and Chase were at the park, He jumped out from a bush Grabbed Chase and Tied and then threw him into a sack and ran away with him. "Boulders help me!!", He cried. Boulders noticed and ran after him. "I'm coming hang on!!", He replied running after him. But Silver Shadow was gone from sight. Chase was held Captive in a cage wearing a Blue Gown with Light blue ribbons and and Golden crown with diamonds on top. He was trapped. He wonder if Boulders would save him. Boulders searched the streets trying to find Silver Shadow or Anyone who had seen him. A femme named Moonstone told him that she had seen him go into Castle that was a long distance from the city. "Take the horse", She said. "Thank you ma'm", He said thanking Moonstone for lending him her White horse. "You're welcome", She said smiling. And he was away.
-With Chase...-
"Let me go!", Chase said. "Its useless dear, He will never find you. Tell you what. If you Marry me I'll give you anything your sweet little spark desires", Silver Shadow said making a deal with Chase who was hanging from the celling from his cage with a Pink bow on top. "Never! I will never marry you!", Chase said. "Face it dear. That fat aft for a boyfriend will never find you!!", Silver Shadow said laughing as he left the room. As a little light shone from a window, Chase's optics filled with tears. As one by one flowed down from his optics he whispered, "Oh Boulders...Where are you?....".
-With Boulders....-
Boulders made it. "What a castle..", Boulders said. It was huge. There was a Bridge with a moat of lava beneath it. As Boulders made it safely across, He made it to the gate. As Silver Shadow saw him from his security cameras, He wanted Chase to see him die. A Screen popes up in Chase's room. Chase looked up. It was Silver Shadow! "If you are watching, I want you to see your Boyfriend die", Silver Shadow said on the screen showing Chase the view from the cameras. "Boulders!", Chase said. Silver Shadow pressed a button and the Silver gate opened up. [MARIO BROS REFERENCE AHEAD!!!]
Boulders looked up. He was brave. He was going to save Princess Chase. He put on a Mario cap and said "Its-a Show time!!",he said running through before the gates closed behind him. There was lava, Drones, And limited time. As he made it through it all, As he reached a door with a Dark red Autobot symbol. He pushed it and said "Its-a Show time!", As he entered ass the doors closed behind him. Stain glass was on the windows and stairs. As he ran up them and made it to the floor, Flames shot towards him. As he dodge them, He made it to a fighting place. Silver Shadow was there ready for Battle. Chase was behind him. "Boulders!!", He cried. As Silver Shadow roared and lunged towards him, Boulders dodged his and punched him back. As the fighting went on, Chase covered his mouth with his Pearly white gloves his was thinking on who would win. As Boulders made it to the end of the left side of the bridge, He pressed a button and the place fell along with Silver Shadow. As he landed with a thud, Chase looked at Boulders and smiled. That's when the Classic Mario "You save the Princess"Music began to play. But it scratched. A tug was felt on Chase's cage. "Huh?", He said. As he was going up he squeaked. Boulders jumped and jumped but couldn't reach. That's when Boulders saw floating Platforms and hopped on to them to the top. At the top Chase was there. "Boulders!", He shouted before he was hauled up. It was on of Silver Shadow's Henchmen!! They snickered before saying words that shook the ground. All wee saying "Huh?"Before Silver Shadow was huge. "Oh no..", Boulders said. As soon as he spent time to dodge the Hits and Jumping he made it too the top. He pressed another ! Button and Silver Shadow went down. Boulders stepped back a bit was the bottom of the cage opened. Chase closed his optics and spread his arms as he floated down. As Boulders bowed Chase bowed back. "My hero!", Chase said leaning against his chassis. Boulders blushed as He kissed Chase fully.
-End of Flashback...-
Boulders and Chase remember that like yesterday. As all of the Mechs looked at the sunset, Blades was leaning against Heatwave's chassis and said "Love you". Heatwave kissed his forehead and said "Love you too Blades". As The same thing Boulders and Chase did. Back at the beach Heatwave and Boulders were turned on by the sight of Blades and Chase eating popsicles. Well, That's how our Characters should be. In love and in a beautiful ending. Soon Night time fell as they went home. But The Rescue bots Camped out on the mountain and slept beneath the Stars. That indeed was the Best Summer Day of their entire lives...~
The End~ 🎀

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