Chapter 25

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#Kathryn's P.O.V.
{A Few Days Later}

After Chelsea had discovered what Cameron left on the counter, she's been even more heart broken, hardly even able to eat. All she does is lay in bed and stay on her phone, with me occasionally able to feed her a small plate of food. Each time I walk into her room and see her in such a ruff stage, I feel guilt build up further inside of me. I caused part of this. What made it even worse is that he was going to ask her to marry him, and helped to stop it all. I wanted to protect her and all I did was damage her. What kind of person was I? Once I finished making her favorite tea and a couple pieces of toast, with butter spread on them, I walked to her room, that I've been staying in with her. "Chelsea?" I whisper, opening the door, slowly. She didn't answer, but I could tell she was awake, by the fact that her phone was shining light on the ceiling. "I made some breakfast for you." I said, walking closer to her side of the bed. She didn't say anything. "Chelsea? Did you hear me?" I ask. "I'm not hungry." She says, not even looking at me. "Oh come on Chels. You need to eat something you haven't eaten hardly anything, at least eat the toast. Plus I made you your favorite tea." I say, trying to hand it to her. She needed to eat something and that would make me feel better after what had happened. "I don't want any." She says, rolling over, her eyes glued to her phone. "I know you're hurt from what happened, but I'm pretty sure you can handle eating toast." I say, slamming the plate down on the bedside table. Though I get nervous with her, I also want to make sure she lives on, healthily. I start to walk out toward the door of the room and I heard sniffling. I knew right away, it was Chelsea. I took a deep breath and let it out, with the sound of sadness. "Chelsea. I didn't want to hurt you. I just get frustrated that you're so hurt from them. I know it's hard but you let them hurt you further than most people do." I say, walking towards her. She didn't answer and only wiped her tears away. "Chelsea?" I ask, hoping she will get better. The more she didn't answer me, the more I had wanted to tell her the truth. "Please leave for right now." She says, almost chocking. I shake my head, wanting to scream at her, but I turn around and walk out the room. I was getting extremely ready to tell her the truth, but when could I and how would I?

#Cameron's P.O.V

The last few days, after I found out what happened between Chelsea and Taylor, I started staying at my friend Nash Grier's house. Though I've been extremely sad about what happened, I pretended everything was fine. Most nights, when Nash was asleep, I held Chelsea's dance shirt in my arms and cried. Even though she had cheated, I didn't want to fully loose her. Before I could stop myself, I grabbed my phone, and called her number. It rang around 7 times, and I was almost ready to hang up, when someone picked up. "Hello?" I say, hoping it was Chelsea. "C-C-Cameron?" She asks. It being Chelsea like I hoped. "Yes. It's me." I answer. I could tell she opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, someone grabbed the phone from her. "Hello Cameron." They say. Of course, it's Kathryn. "Kathryn." I say, plainly. "Well. Chelsea's hurt. So you need to back off and stop calling. She doesn't need to hear from you." She says. "B-B-But.." I say, trying to change that. "Goodbye." She says, hanging up before I could say what I wanted. I had wanted to tell Chelsea that I was still in love with her and that we could work out what had happened, for I couldn't lose who I truly loved. Chelsea. I kept thinking to myself ways to call Chelsea and not have Kathryn do the same as before. I could call at night, hoping Kathryn was asleep, or call the house phone there, praying Kathryn wouldn't answer. Then it hit me. "Nash!!" I yell, running to his room. "Wha-Wha? What's wrong?" He asks, a scared look on his phone. "I need to use your phone." I say, sticking my hand out. He gives me an "Oh Kay" look, but hands his phone to me. I quickly dial Chelsea's phone, walking back to my room. 6 rings later, she picks up. "Uh hello?" She says. "Chelsea. It's me Cameron. But please don't say my name or Kathryn will take the phone away again." I say quickly. "Oh Kay?" She says, pretending not to understand, going along with it. "I wanted to talk about what happened the other day." I say, scared of her reaction. "And what about that?" She asks, still pretending but also still truly talking to me. "I wanted to work on us and stay together. I still love you." I say, telling the truth. "Really? Well I could probably be there around 2." She answers. I take it that she means "You want to work on it? I love you, too." "Yes I really want to work on us" I say. "Oh that would be great." She says, agreeing with me. "To start off, I know it was partially Taylor's fault too, but he doesn't take all of the blame. He had warned me but I can forgive, as long as you apologize." I say, telling how I really felt. "W-W-What?" She asks, sounding like she was truly talking to me. "You heard me. I know what happened and I know we can stay together. I had been warned by Taylor that you would cheat on me and it did happen, though it was with him. It did hurt, but I can forgive you, as long as you apologize." I say, repeating and adding a little more. "B-B-But that was all his fault. I didn't have any part in that." She says. "Look Chels. I know it's hard to admit, but like I said you can't put all blame on Taylor." I reply. "It was all him though!!!" She says, becoming extremely frustrated. "Okay. Well you can admit it another time. I may be mad at him but he is my best friend. He told me that he didn't know what he was doing and when you leaned into him, he just went along with it. He apologized for it. We can all forgive and forget. We just need one more thing, for you to apologize. But you can take your time." I say, meaning every bit of it. "But it wasn't my fault. He did it all. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't. Why do I need to apologize if I didn't do all of it?" She asks, getting more and more frustrated. "Okay. What is so wrong and hard about apologizing?" I ask, becoming frustrated myself. "Because I didn't have a part in it." She screams. "Whatever. We'll talk about this another time." I say, taking a deep breath. "I love you. Even after all of this." I say, telling the truth. Before she says anything, she hangs up. All I hear after that is a *Beep**Beep**Beep* Why didn't she say anything? I mean she does love me right?

#Chelsea's P.O.V.

I can't believe what Cameron was saying to me. I can understand that he would want an apology IF I had cheated, key word IF, because I didn't. I would never. Him saying that Taylor will be forgiven and I will be too, IF I apologize. That I was completely in the wrong and that it was my fault but I can be forgiven. He wouldn't let me explain at all. Of course this didn't help the other things on my mind. Abri not here and having no contact with her, Kathryn acting strange, Cameron and I having problems, me finding what he had gotten me, missing my family, school still happening, dance getting close to finals, and then now this. It was all piling on my small plate. My mind was racking with all of these topics, before Kathryn interrupted them. "Who was that?" She asks. "Oh it was just my one dance teacher about this past and upcoming competition." I answer. She looks at me, reading my face. She knows it's not true, but doesn't push any questions. Once she walks out of the room, I grab my phone off the bed side table and start texting Niall.
Chelsea: Hey Niall can you talk for a bit?
Niall: Of course!! I told if you needed anything I was always gonna be here :)
Chelsea: Yeah I know... But this a lot to ask...
Niall: What is it Chelsea?
Chelsea: Can I come to London and stay with you for a little while?
Niall: Oh course you can!! You don't even have to ask. But I do have a question... Why all of a sudden do you want to come here? Not that I don't want you here, trust me I do, but why?
Chelsea: I miss you and the guys a lot
Niall: Chelsea Lynnae. I know that is not the only reason.
Chelsea: And maybe because I'm having a hard time staying here around what's going on.
Niall: What's going on there?
Chelsea: I got in a fight with Cameron and my friends... Well one's not here and isn't answering me and the other is hiding something from me. The other... Well he caused a BIG part of the fight with Cameron. Plus with school and dance still going on... I just need to get away from it for now.
Niall: Wow. I can understand why you want to get away from it. You can of course come. But I do have to warn you.. Next week we continue our tour in Europe. If you're okay with going along with us, you can stay as long as you wish :)
Chelsea: Oh you're starting your tour already?
Niall: Yeah! We're all super excited. Do you want to come?
Chelsea: If that's okay. I don't want to put too much on you guys while you're on tour.
Niall: Chelsea you will not put too much on us. And OF COURSE IT'S OKAY!!!
Chelsea: Alright. Thank you so much Niall!
Niall: No problem :) When do you want to come here? I can go ahead and book your ticket.
Chelsea: Are you sure? I can buy them!
Niall: Yes I'm sure!! So when do you want to come here?
Chelsea: Thank you again Niall!! I want to come tomorrow afternoon.
Niall: You're welcome. Really? Wow! Okay, I'll go ahead and book the flight.
Chelsea: Is that okay? Or is it too early? I mean I can come another day if you want me too. It's just, I made the final decision an hour ago and I just really want to get away from this.
Niall: Yes it's perfectly fine!! I just didn't think you would want to come right away. But trust me, I'm glad you're coming over. I don't blame you for wanting to leave, but what was the final decision?
Chelsea: I'll tell you when I see you in person.
Niall: Alright. Well I can't wait to see you!! Love and miss you!!
Chelsea: I can't wait to see you, too!! Love and miss you with all my heart!! See you soon!

"Chelsea do you want anything to eat?" Kathryn asks me, bringing my attention away from my phone. Since this was going to be my last night with my best friend for awhile, I nod my head. She gained a look of surprise, for I hadn't really eaten lately. "O-O-Okay. What do you want?" She asks, still full of shock. "Can we order pizza?" I ask, talking the most that I have in going on in a week. Her jaw drops for a second before she answers "O-O-Of course! I'll go order it now! Pepperoni for you right?" She asks, already knowing the answer. I nod my head. The rest of the night we acted like we had when we first become best friends, before any sort of drama started. It was really nice. I just feel bad that she doesn't know tomorrow won't be the same.


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