Coming Out

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Today, my best friend of 10 years found out I was gay. Yes, meaning I like guys. I am a 16 year old living in Dallas, Texas. Gays are not very well liked. I'm a disgusting piece of trash in my world here. DISGUSTING. But, no one knows but him.

"What do you mean you're gay? You've always liked girls bro." Said my best friend.

Tyler Knox, my best friend since the 1st grade. He looks at me with those brown eyes, with his ruffled black hair. His chiseled face. He's the most beautiful man on this earth. But I'm not attracted to him in that way

"No, I've only pretended to like girls. We live in Texas for crying out loud. Nobody and I mean nobody accepts that. You know that." I said while looking very flustered. Why can't he just accept the fact I'm gay.

"Sorry bud, it just hard to believe," he said looking sorry for not being understanding.

"Its fine. I promise." The look of despair runs across of my face.

"So who do you like?" He said with a crooked smile on his face.

"I don't think that is any of your business mister." We laughed.

To be honest. Tyler has a brother names Tucker, he's 6'6" and short brown hair, green eyes, and wicked since of style. He too just came out to be gay. I've liked him before I knew that though. So it made everything better.

But, no one will want to be with me. I'm 5'8" scroney, shaggy brown hair, shitty brown eyes, and horrible taste in clothes. Plus who wants to be with a guy named Gabe Miller?? Exactly no one. I chuckled in my head and look at Tyler.

"You're a good friend you know that?" I said with a huge smile across my face.

"I know." He said while winking then bursting out in laughter.

"Wanna go, if not were gonna be late for class" I said while standing up from the the chair.

It was just lunch and I have 2 more classes and both of them with Tucker. He's my lab partner in Chemistry and my table mate in English. Awesome right?!

Tyler and I go separate ways and I meet up with Tucker. I can't help but to stare at him the whole way to class. His muscles, due to him working out like every day, and the hair. Perfectly gelled into the tousled look. He literally is breathtaking. How could anyone not fall in love with him. He big green eyes look at me while we're walking and he smiles.

"So, you ready for more Shakespeare today?" He said sarcastically.

"Of course, Hamlet is amazing. How could I not be?" Being serious... then I realize he was being sarcastic.. "Oh!! You were trying to be funny. Hey mister, Shakespeare is no laughing matter." I,said with the straitest face as possible, then we burst out into laughter while walking in the classroom.

"Settle Down class!" Mrs. Harper yelled when entering the class room. Its like the whole room rolled their eyes.

Everyone was quiet and then I look at Tucker.. I tap him on the shoulder, "Hey. I have to tell you something." I said in a whispering voice. He did the motion with his hands to write it down, so I did.

I got out a piece of paper and started to write. "I thought I would let you know, I already told Tyler, but, I'm gay.." I handed the paper to Tucker and then the waiting game began...


Hey Guys!! Who ever reads this.  Y'all are amazing. Imma only write two more chapters and if I don't really get any responses,  I guess imma delete it :/. BUT!! If I do.  Imma try my best to update as much as possible!

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