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Tuckers POV..

Gabe handed me a piece of paper with a worried look on his face. I finished listening to Mrs. Harper's screeching voice and then opened the note. It said, "I thought I would let you know, I already told Tyler, but, I'm gay.." .

What? He's gay? No way. He's straight as a freaking pole. But a cute ass straight person. I look at him confused and his face drops to a depressed look.

"Really you are?" I whisper so Mrs. Harper wouldn't hear.

"Yes.. I am, What do you not believe me either?"

"Mhm.. do you have something to share the class Mr. Miller, Mr. Knox?" Mrs. Harper rudely interrupted.

"No ma'am, we were just talking about our project that's due next week." I said. Saving Gabes ass, cause I know he wouldn't have came up with it. Mrs. Harper walked away and Gabe smiled and mouthed the words 'Thank you' I smiled back at him and winked.

"Hey, I never really gave you my number have I?" I said and winked he blushed so hard. I couldn't help but to laugh. "Haha, it's okay lover boy."

"Um, well no you never have I guess. But I think thats cause I'm Tyler's friend, not really yours." He said still blushing.

"Well, I think that should change cutie" I said then winking at him. Yes, he is cute. I don't care what anyone says. The shortness is simply adorable, the shaggy hair that is the same color as mine, and those beautiful brown eyes. I could stare at 'em all day. Oh, and let's not forget his sense of style, his wonderful smile. He's perfect.

Okay, I now have a goal. Make Gabriel Allen Miller mine. He's gonna be mind by the end of the school year. We have 5 more months to go. Maybe we can have that amazing summer love but longer than summer. Maybe forever. I can see it now. He's so perfect.

"Hello!" He snaps in my face "Dream over mister. Bell rung time to go to Biology."

I yank my head over to look at the most handsome man standing over me. He's beautiful. I stand up, now towering over him. He looks up at me and smiles. Gosh is he cute. Perfect. I don't know he makes me speechless.

"Ready to go?" Smiling like the dork he is holding his books.

"Yea, let's go handsome and um here's my number." I hand him a piece of paper that has my number next to it had some hearts. I think he'll take the hint.

We walk to class, me trying to not keep want distance between us. We keep slightly brushing arms. It's kinda cute. Well, he's cute, so it works.

"Will Gabriel Miller please report to the guidance office. Gabriel Miller to the guidance office. Thank you." The intercom blares while we walk down the hallway. I think he saw my disappoint in my face.

"See you in class aye?" He said while smiling. I love the way he talks. Due to the fact he always has a British accent and lingo with his talk. He not even British. I laugh inside my head and the cutie.

"You know it." I wink and wave at him while we walk opposite ways.

I walked into the classroom as soon as the tardy bell rings. I go to my lab table and sit down in my chair and look at the empty one beside me. I can't believe it. He's gay. Gabe is gay. The guy I've secretly liked ever since I was 10. We actually use to be the same height.

The table across from me is Gabes sister Alice. Short girl long hair that she always dyes. Probably has to buy like 6 boxes to be able to dye it. This time is dark brown with purple tips. She is completely different than Gabe. Well one she's a girl. Two her style, Gabe always dresses more sophisticated where Alice dresses more skateboard girl look. She always wears suspenders and vans with an expensive graphic tv with faded skinny jeans. And in that family Gabe wasn't the only one gay, she was bisexual and pretty open about it.

"Hey Alice, what's up with Gabe? Where'd he go?" I whispered but loudly so she could hear.

"I think it has something to do with his senior year. I dunno" she smirked at me and turned back to her book. Did I mention, complete nerd. One thing she does have in common who Gabe.

30 minutes later in the middle of Mr. Jarvis' lecture about waisting time in class, Gabe walks in, hand him the note and comes towards our desks. I smile as soon as I see him. He's so adorbs.

"Missed ya." I said and winked. His face looked awkward though. Like he's uncomfortable. I hope I'm not weirding him out. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Its just..."

"Its just what?"

"Just a few hours ago we were talking like friends. And then all of a sudden you start like flirting with me. I'm just kinda curious why."

"Well I guess I have something to tell you as well." Fear crosses my face. What if he doesn't feel the same. I'm so stupid... I ask to be excused by the teacher and leave the class.

Walking down the hallways tears pool in my eyes. He doesn't like me. I'm so stupid. I go to the bathroom. Imma stay here for as long as I can until the dismissal bell rings.

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