172 Days Until Then

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Allicyn's POV
Man, being alone with a bunch of dead fuckers sucks. I hated being alone before this happened and now, after, sucks a huge ton of dick. I had a group. Key word, had. I don't know where they are now. And I'm damn glad that I don't. It's been 2 weeks since I left them. I need another group, and soon. I have very few supplies; a bottle of water, a can of dog food, a knife, and a gun that I took from my former group that has 5 rounds in it; and I twisted my ankle a day or so ago tripping over god damn nothing. I've only had one group since this fucking thing started and they're all a bunch of damn cunts. But, off that subject. It's almost nightfall so I should probably find somewhere to stay the night. I just need to keep on this road and there should be some houses up here soon. Maybe even some fucking civilization.
>2 Hours Later<
After taking out maybe half a dozen geeks; zombies; and, again, tripping over nothing, I finally found a house. About damn time. And it's not a small house, either. 2 stories, huge fenced in yard, what looks like a 67' Chevy truck in the driveway. Damn, remind me to take that later. It looks like maybe someone lives here, though. Maybe there's people here? That'd be fucking nice. As I walk up to the door I'm thinking to myself, "Should I knock? Should I just go in?" Yeah I may seem like a bad ass or whatever but fucking anxiety, man. Jesus fuck. Okay, whatever Allicyn, just get the fuck over yourself and go in. When I walk in, I am overwhelmed with joy; yeah, I can be happy, surprise, surprise; when I see 4 people sitting at a table.
"Who are you? What're you doing in our house?" The seemingly younger blonde asks.
"Uh. Lookin' for a place to stay, I guess. Didn't know there was people in here. Hell, I didn't even think I'd see another person for quite a while. Anyways, I'm Allicyn."
"Hello there. I'm Hershel," an old looking man says, standing up and walking over to shake my hand, "and thise are my daughters, Maggie and Beth and that's my wife, Patricia." He says while pointing to a young, early 20's looking brunette girl, and then the young blonde girl who seemed so damn scared when I came in, and lastly to an older blonde woman, late 60's maybe, who looks similar to the other blonde girl.
"Cool. Nice to meet you guys. So, is it alright if I stay for the night? I twisted my ankle a little while back, a couple days or so, and I haven't had basically any rest for two weeks. So..." I said shyly.
"Sure thing but I'm going to have to ask you to hand over any weapons you've got on ya." Hershel said, smiling a small smile.
Give up my weapons!? What the fuck!? Do they think I'm damn crazy?! Jesus shit, this would be such a nice place to stay, though. I might even possibly be able to talk them until letting me stay longer, maybe. Fucking hell, Allicyn, maybe you are crazy.
"So I'll have no protection? I don't really like the sound of that..."
"It's just for the night and me and Patricia both have guns if anything happens." Hershel reassures me.
"Well, I guess." I say, unwillingly handing over my only gun and knife.
"Patricia here will show you to a room and I'll have Beth fetch you a clean pair of clothes. And tomorrow I'll take a look at that ankle." I hear Hershel say before I'm softly pushed out of the room by Patricia, who's obviously eager to help me. Damn lady, calm your tits.
It's sure going to be nice to have a place to stay. I may even get some actual rest.
"Here ya go. There's a bathroom down the hall and to the right." Beth says handing me a pair of clothes and pointing down the hall.
I walk down the hall to the bathroom and when I look in the mirror I realize how much I look like actual shit. Like, no joke. I'm covered from head to toe in who the fuck even knows. My light brown hair is ratty and not to mention, dirtier than my mind. My green eyes seem faded a bit, which most likely means that a storm is coming. My eyes fade from a bright green to an almost grey when a storm is close, it's weird. As I take off my shirt and pants, I realize how filthy and scarred I am. Small dots; some scabs, some scars; that range in size run up and down my body. Fuck, I'm one ugly skank.
I finish getting partially cleaned off and changed and I walk back to the room that these people have allowed me to stay in. Wow. My own damn bed. It may be for one night, but fuck, it's my own bed. I lay down and before I know it, I drift off in to the best sleep I've had since all of this damn "walking dead" shit went down.

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