Talents 3

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Giving up on whatever was in the woods, I turned back to the lawnmower, seeing it turned on its side in the grass. At least it’s not moving.

“Hey, need some help?” a voice called from the direction of my backyard. I turned confused, to see some guy with brown hair.

What the heck is he doing in my backyard?


I stared uneasily at the guy coming towards me and glanced back at my lawnmower. What was this guy’s deal? I mean, it’s not everyday that you see someone walk out of the woods in your backyard. Right? Right?!

“Well, do you?” mystery-man asked me. I continued to stare at him with a blank face. “Would you answer me?” he snapped. Whoa, I think someone needs to chill out.

“What’s your problem?” I said. He glared at me.

“What’s my problem? Oh, I’ll tell you...” he paused, “err some of it. I’ve already had one annoying person to deal with, I don’t need another one.” He continued to mumble after speaking and sounded like he said something along the lines of ‘stupid girl... try to be nice... backfires... cute... what?’

With an incredulous look on my face I answered, “Maybe we’re related,” knowing it would get to him. He looked me up and down. Creep.

“Not possible, you look nothing alike.”

“Maybe we’re long lost cousins,” I argued.

“And maybe I’d where your hideous clothes. Yeah, right,” he spoke like he really thought my clothes were hideous. Pft, no.

“My clothes aren’t hideous! You should get your glasses checked, man!” I retorted. For a moment he just stared at me and then burst out laughing like I had said the funniest thing in the world.

“You’re not the brightest of the bunch, are you?” he said, laughed a little, and continued, “You looked so serious, but... does it look like I’m wearing glasses?” Eyes watering he glanced at me, trying to keep a straight face.

I stared back defiantly, my lip out, pouting with arms crossed against my chest. I took on silent mode.

“And now you pout! Oh, I like you! You’re just what I needed to cheer up. Don’t I pick the greatest friends?” he exclaimed, but I don’t think he actually intended on me hearing that last part. Oh well, I’m commenting on it.

“Who said I was your friend?”

“I did.”

What am I supposed to say to that? Oh! I’ve got it. “Well I didn’t, and I think my word is better than yours seeing how you walked out of a forest doing who knows what before you arrived in my backyard.”

He coughed awkwardly and said, “Uh, yeah... about that... Didn’t want to be seen? Yeah, let’s go with that.”

“So you don’t want to be seen coming to my house?” I questioned, my eyebrow raised with an amused smile on my face.

He scrunched up his face like he smelled a rotten egg. “Yuck, you and I both know I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Sure, sure.”

“Anyway, I’m Khris.” Okay?

“That’s nice.” He began to look a tad frustrated again, I thought with a grin.

“Tell me your name.” I just watched him silently. “Now.” Don’t think so. In response to my silence he let out an aggravated groan.

“It’s Nick.”

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