No More Secrets

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1 Hour Earlier

John's POV


Lindsay rushes over to Emily, and her fist collides with my daughter's head.

"LINDSAY! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yell, but she ignores me.

I watch Emily fall and hit her head on the corner of the table, "No!" I shout again.

I turn around and watch Sherlock make an attempt to stop Lindsay from leaving but he manages to get himself a lethal backhand to the face.

Lindsay rushes out and slams the door behind her.

I drag the table out of the way and make my way over to Emily who is limp on the floor, bending down and picking her up.

I place Emily back on the sofa and press ice wrapped in a cloth to her head that I got from the kitchen. Why is it always my daughter that gets injured. Not that I'd wish that on anyone's daughter, but just...why Emily after all she's been through?


A few hours have passed and Emily still hasn't woken up. Me and Sherlock watched some crap telly for a while but I wasn't really concentrating. I have too many questions. Although to be honest, I don't think Sherlock was paying attention either. This is the first time he has actually visibly freaked out a bit.

Emily's POV

I open my eyes and sit up. I can hear the TV blaring out from across the room. There's  a glass of water on the table. I put my arm down on something cold which makes me jump. I pick up the cloth and several pieces of ice fall out, "Shit" I mutter, but it comes out louder than I expect. "This is just brilliant, now there are freaking ICE CUBES EVERYWHERE!" 

Dad rushes over and sits down next to me, placing his hand on my back, followed by Sherlock who stands infront of us examining the ice cubes.

"You ok?" Asks dad.

"Yes, I think so."


"Why didn't you tell me the things I said to you? The things I did?" Questioned dad. He wants to do this. Now?

Oh. He's freaking out. He asks sudden questions when he's freaking out.

"I wanted to tell you! All of it, I did. But you were sad last night. I was trying to spare your feelings... " I mumble.

"You don't need to worry about me, Emily! I have to worry about you!"

"But you were crying..."

Sherlock goes to say something but dad holds his hand up to say 'be quiet, Sherlock' which he ignores, "John...maybe you should-"

"You're fourteen Emily! You have to tell me these things."

That's it. I've had enough of this conversation. 

I stand up and push past dad. You can tell when he is majorly stressed. He starts getting annoyed and gets himself to an emotional state. There are two types of stress dad gets. One is where he gets upset and irritable, and the other, the worse one, is where he gets annoyed, very annoyed. He punched a wall once, but he didn't realize I was watching. He thought I was asleep. It was so long ago, though. I was only seven. But anyway. This time he is annoyed, upset and confused all rolled into one.

John's POV

Emily pushes past me and slams the door to the stairs. I look at Sherlock who is looking at me. He had the 'what have you done?!' expression on his face. Not the confused type of 'what have you done' but the 'you're in deep shit, mate' type.

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