Aquarius x Aries

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Both was eating their meal in a comfortable silence.

"Hey Aries" Aquarius said "ahmm..could we maybe hang out and get to know each other" he said blushing a little and his hand at the back of his head.

"Sure!" Aries said and "the be so awesome" she said smiling

"So could I get your number?" Aquarius asked.

"Sure here you go" Aries then flip her phone out and give him, her number.

They both finished their meal and left the restaurant.

"I really hand a good time with you" Aries said blushing "lets meet again?"

"Sure!!" Aquarius said and both said their goodbye and went on their separate ways.

~Texting each other~

'Hey Aries its me Aquarius' he texted after about a minute Aries replied

'Hey Aquarius' she replied

' :D I hope you didn't got bored with  me' Aquarius replied

Aries replied with a huge smile in her face while lying on her bed ' It was so fun, I so want to hangout with you again'

Aquarius got the reply and instantly stood in his bed with a huge grin 'well we could hangout again if you like just tell me when your free'

Aries smiled and texted 'Any time on Saturday and Sunday' and hold her phone close to her chest

Aquarius got to the reply and shot his hand in the air yelling "YES!!" he then replied and said 'how about 3 in the afternoon we can go to the amusement park and have dinner at 8' he texted crossing his finger waiting for Aries to reply.

Aries eyes went wide and she giggled with glee and texted back 'sure I'll love that'

Aquarius was dancing like a clown in his room rejoicing Aries answer. The two continued texting each other until it was night.

'Well I'm going to bed good night :D ' Aries texted

'Good night too' Aquarius texted and smiled at his phone

Aries also smiled at her phone and placed it on her side table and went to bed.

~Amusement Park~

Aquarius was early and was very nervous because its the day that he'll ask Aries out. He glance at his watch and it was still to early, it was only 2:30 and his date was on 3.He then sighed and practiced what his going to say and thought of scenario of what could possibly happen.

Aries arrived and looked around and she saw Aquarius wearing a white t-shirt under a black jacket and a pair of dark blue jeans. Aquarius look really good and different from when she saw him wearing his uniform and getting bullied. She then proceed to walk towards Aquarius and wave at him.

Aquarius saw Aries walking towards her. She was  so beautiful he thought Aries was wearing a blue   off sleeves dress it was not skintight but flowy. The dress stops over her knees and she was wearing a light gray ankle boots.

"Hey Aquarius" She said stopping in front of him and smiling.

"Hey Aries" He smiled "You look really beautiful" he said a little shyly

Aries blushed "Thanks you look good to" She said looking at him "shall we go"

Aquarius nodded and hold Aries hands while going to the amusement park.
They tried different rides and decided to make the haunted house as their closing trip for the amusement.

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