Saying good bye

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Hi guys! Ha ha yaaaa well I'm sorry I haven't updated *scratches back of head*. I only have one excuse...... Well ummm I'm really lazy but not to worry I promise I'll update more often!
I can't wait to leave. I mean don't get me wrong I love fairy tail but.......errr Gray! I thought I loved him. Well I guess I'll have to tell my real friends about my true power. Ok this'll be hard. Oh and my siblings I'll have to say that too but I just found out about them too. I'm really happy I have family left though.
They were all crying and had Juvia in a tight group hug. They knew she had to leave though so they let her go but promised to keep in touch they even have her words of incourojment. But what they didn't know is that Gray had over heard there conversation. He was heart broken despite what he said about her, he had hidden his true feelings for stupid pride. He was an idiot but he hadn't regretted anything yet. Well you never know what you have until you lose it. Juvia had already left the guild to pack. Gray had shrugged off what he felt, he was being a stubborn ass hole. Juvia had feelings for him too but she hid that with hate. What will happen to there love?

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