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I'm back!!! Sorry for the long wait, but I was busy writing lots of parts to get a head start, but now I'll update them at least twice a week!

Ok, if I'm honest with myself, I quite liked the first chapter! Wow I surprised myself 'der. I never admit to liking something of mine! ;)

Ok, I hope you enjoy the next chapters!


I stared at the number. A REAL boy actually gave me a REAL number! I've never been asked out, let alone got a boy's number! I was just about to call Harry, but I froze- What would I say? Oh yeah, I should probably thank him for getting me out of detention. Good start! O-oh ok, what next? This would probably be awkward. A well, YOLO is what they say, (as in You Only Live Once, not You Only Like Oranges ;] ), so I picked up my phone and copied the number from the paper into my phone. Without thinking, I pressed 'Call', and waited. The thing with me is, is that if I think something over too much, I get really nervous and I mess everything up. So, I'd have to improvise!

I waited. And waited. Urhhh. No reply. I didn't hang up until I got to 'Welcome to the O2 messaging service. The person you have called, is currently unavailable. Please leave your message after the tone.... BEEEP'

"Oh Fuck you!" I said out loud after I hung up. Jeez, a random guy gives me his number and doesn't even answer. But hey! It IS a random guy, so what was I expecting?

I put my phone down, controlling my temper. Usually, by now my phone would've been lobbed across the room, but I was learning to control my temper. I went to therapy once a month, but I overheard my mum having a conersation with my dad once:


"Mike, I'm telling you, it's not working. Therapy once a month isn't enough!" My mum said quietly, so I wouldn't hear.

"No, no, no, it's my little girl, and I've never seen her have an anger attack, so you can't prove anything!" My dad said, not so quietly.

"Yes, but YOUR little girl lashed out at a girl in her year a month ago and gave her stitches, just because that girl said that her hair went out of place! And she didn't even mean it in an offensive way!"

"Really? Well how come I don't know anything?!"

"Because you never listened! Whenever I try to tell you your daughter has problems, you just shut off!" Their conversation was getting louder and louder.

"Don't forget it's YOUR daughter as well! What do you think we should do then, seeing as you're always right??!" This conversation was no doubt an argument now.

"Therapy more often! Or a better therapist, or make her take more pills, I don't know!" I could hear that my mum's voice was breaking.

" You know very well we can't afford that, not with the amount of money we're spending on your mother who will die anyway! Why should we spend money on making her pain longer? You know she's only suffering, and I think our daughter needs the money more! She has more life ahead of her, unlike your mother!" And with that I heard my mum start crying, and I quickly hid in my room as my dad stormed up the stairs. He went into his room, and came out minutes later. I peeked through the keyhole in my bedroom door (yes I have a keyhole) and saw that my dad had his large leather bag in his hand, and some clothes were poking out of the unzipped top. I heard him stomp down the stairs, and then the front door opened and slammed closed.

*End of Flashback*

After that argument, my dad never came back. It was over a year ago now, so I understood that he never would. That night I also understood that my mum thought I had problems. I had nobody left to defend me, because my brother was 25 and he moved out ages ago. We were never really close, so we lost contact. I guess my mum loved me, and she was doing all this because she cared for me. I shouldn't feel mad at her, but I did. Ok, so if you heard your own mum say you have problems, how would you feel? I felt hurt, and my dad who CLEARLY loved me, left. But I've gone past the phase of feeling sorry for myself. I had friends who cared for me, and anyway, there's a lot more people in the world who have much worse lives and compared to them, I have a luscious life.

I decided to have a shower to clear my mind, and I didn't really have to walk far to reach it seeing as I had my own little bathroom.

As I stepped into the lukewarm water (am I the only one who gets burnt by hot water?) I remembered that I had an essay in for tomorrow, for my English teacher. She wasn't anywhere near as strickt as Mr Y - K - W, but that didn't mean you could miss homework!

When I came out of the shower, the clock read 7:56. Phew, I had enough time to do my essay! I turned on my laptop, got a sheet of paper, and started writing.


At 10:14 I was still scribbling away, when my phone vibrated on my bum. I took it out of my back pocket, feeling really hopeful that it was Harry texting. Sadly, when I looked at the screen, it was a message from my Best Friend, Lexi. Well, Harry can hardly text me if he hasn't got my number!

*In phone*

Lexi: Hey Bby, u done ur essay? ;) xxx

Me:Just doing it now in fact, for de past 2hours :( xxx

Lexi: Ahaha I did it bfor! I knew you'd be doing it now. C, I kno u Kay! ;D xxx

Me:Yea lol xxx I'm nearly done tho, thank god!

Lexi: Oh, I jst remembrd. earlier on 2day I saw u wiv som guy in a beanie??? ooh who was he, u wer holding hands omg hahah!

Oh God. She saw that.

Me: Oh just this dude I was in Hell with. when mr YKW went out the room, everyone just pegged it. an that guy dragged me out as well xxx

~(P.S- Hell means detention ;)~

Lexi: Oooh your saviour hahaha xxx

Me:Ye I thought that too! u won't believe dis tho- he gave me his number!!

Lexi: Omg have you texted him? ?

Me: No, but I tried calling him but he didn't pick up. I'm gonna have a go at him tomorrow, cos today I need to finish this cursed essay nd get at least a full 40 minutes of sleep hahah xxx

Lexi: hahah well now you kno to do homework earlier! oh and don't be too harsh on that poor lad tomoro... hahah night night bby xxx

Me:Night dear xxx haha

I hit 'Send', wrote my name on my now finished essay (woop woop) and stuffed the papers in my bag. Then, I finally hopped under my cosy covers, clicked off the lamp and dozed off...

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