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Oh Ya ya ya (FACT: 'Ya' means Yes in German!) I've had another brilliant idea for a fanfic, and there's something for everybody in it; there's Harry Styles (yay), Sonny Jay from the Loveable Rogues (yay) and maybe even Jack Harries (ya ya) ! It's called

One Way, Or Another .... Or Another?

I've only done 1 part, but please go check it out and tell me what you think! First person to do so gets a dedication! Ok, I know that's no biggie, seeing as this story has... uuh 3 reads, but it's always something!

(What do you think about the new cover for BFF Haz xxx ? I really like it :) ]


As usual, my mum came to wake me up in the morning. Not that you need to know that.


When I arrived in school, I immediately started looking for Harry. I'd usually stay with Lexi, who I walked to school with, but today I was pissed off with Harry so I left Lexi to look for him instead. I was walking down the wide corridor, which was pretty much empty seeing as it was quite early, so all I could hear was my own footsteps. That sounded kind of creepy.

I knew Harry arrived in school even earlier than me, and he'd usually be around the main hall. I was going in that direction, when suddenly I heard a second set of footsteps. They sounded like they were coming round the corner where I was heading, but I thought it'd probably be a teacher, so I carried on walking. But then, these footsteps were fast and sharp, and strangely familiar... I couldn't get around who they belonged to, and just as I was about to turn on the corner and see the person, I was instantly sharply pulled back into a cramped cupboard just before the turn. A large hand stifled my scream of shock, and the person who pulled me into the cupboard gently, slowly opened the door a tiny crack. That crack was enough for me to see onto the corridor, and I then understood why the person had pulled me out of the way. The teacher I hated to the core, Mr YKW, were the footsteps I heard. He walked past mine and my captor/saviour's hiding place, and down the corridor.

Neither of us moved until the footsteps couldn't be heard anymore. Then, as soon as my captor/saviour let me go and took his hand off my mouth, I instinctly jumped out of the stuffy cupboard and turned around. When I saw who saved me, all the anger towards him drained away. It was Harry.

"Oh, you saved me once again!" I laughed. Harry chuckled and closed the cupboard door behind him, before turning to me. "I'm just amazing, I guess," He answered, flicking his hair in an 'I'm famous, bitch' kind of way (if you know what I mean). I playfully punched his arm, before I remembered why I was looking for him. My face expression changed from happy to a bit mad.

"Why didn't you answer me yesterday? ??!" I said loudly.

"Ohh, I urrmmm...." He struggled to get his words.

"Well?" I said, raising my eyebrows and tapping my foot with my hands on my hips. I wasn't a patient person.

"I errr... was out with my girlfriend," he said, then hung his head. Why though, why should he hang his head? It's not like he'd done something wrong, I mean, just because he gave me his number doesn't mean he was like cheating on me or anything! But still, I couldn't help but feel disappointed...

"Oh ok. You don't have to be sad about it, I understand," I said to him. My features softened. He looked up at me.

"So you're not mad?"

"Why would I be?"

"Oh, I don't ... uhh... know..." He said, avoiding my gaze. It was obvious he was hiding something from me. And then it clicked.

"You've heard stories, haven't you?" I said, tears slowly climbing their way up, "Stories about me." Stories. Those stupid stories that drove everyone one away. And they weren't even true! Well, most of them weren't. But it was those stories that drove every boy that ever gave me his number away, every boy that liked me, but stopped as soon as they heard them. Maybe one day you'll find out what sort of stories they were.

Harry nodded. So he was yet another boy to add to the list. Put off by 'stories'.

"Harry, you don't have to believe everything people say! It's not all TRUE!" I said desperately. I knew there was no point, but Harry seemed nicer than everyone else, even though I only met him yesterday. But I've had enough of people turning me down because of rumours. I would not let Harry go, no matter what it took.

"That's a bit hard to believe when everyone, literally EVERYONE knows those stories! If they weren't true, then people would have different versions of them, but no! They're ALL THE SAME!" Harry answered, raising his voice.

"But why do you believe everyone else? Why don't you believe ME?" I said, almost whispering. My chin was starting to shake, like I was about to cry. And I was. I hoped this sight would make Harry feel sorry for me, or something like that, but no.

"Why should I?? God, I don't even know you, I met you yesterday, and for fuck's sake I can't even remember your name! Please, just leave me alone, let's forget we ever talked to each other at all." Harry said, turning to go.

"You were the one that started it. YOU dragged me out of detention."

"Now I wish I hadn't."

Those words stung. And badly. My grip on his arm loosened, and he yanked his arm away, before walking away shaking his head.

How could I have been so stupid?? I should've known, there was nothing special about Harry, I don't know what I saw in him that made him different from everyone else. Because there wasn't. He treated me the same as everyone else when they found out some things they wouldn't want to know about me.

I said I wouldn't let Harry go. But this time I had no choice.


How do you guys like that? Sorry I haven't updated in 38926753 years, but that's because:A) I was a bit lazy ;)

B) I was watching YouTube videos every night and that's the only time i have to write (PewDiePie is too funny to not watch! :P) C) I Kind of forgot... and I don't get many reads or comments or votes or things like that so that didn't really motivate me to write. Say I had 30,000 reads, not 9, then I'd feel like people expect me to update because they like my story, in which case I would update every day!

At least I improved this chap a bit, so hope you like it a bit better! ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

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