Chapter 2 Sora

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The Next Day

~Third person pov~

DOG was heading up the stairs to the Hokage's office to deliver his report. He stopped at a door and knocked on it. He heard a small come in before entering the room and closed the door behind him. In the room was the Hokage "Kakashi you can take off your mask" the Hokage said.

Kakashi nodded, and removed his DOG mask. "Good. Now I would like to hear your mission report" the Hokage said

Kakashi nodded "Yes Hokage Sama. Last night as you know we recieved a distress signal from the hidden sky village. My team and myself were sent to investigate. When we arrived the streets were covered in blood and bodies. We began to search for survivors, we had searched all over the village excluding the Inku compound, and found noone. Once we entered the compound we heard something, and headed in the direction of the noise. The noise led to a room in which the bodies of the Inku clan heads were located. In the corner of the room sat the girl that we had brought back to the village. She was the only survivor" Kakashi finished

"I see" said the Hokage "Thank you. You may leave now Kakashi" the Hokage then said. Kakashi nodded, and vanished in a poof of smoke. 'Now that thats over with. I believe I will head to the hospital to check on the child' the Hokage thought, and then left his office

~Time skip~

The Hokage arrived in the hospital, and asked where the child's hospital room was. A nurse led him to a room in which the girl was resting on a hospital bed. Most of her injuries were already healed.

'What a poor child' the Hokage thought as he entered the room, and sat in a chair next to her hospital bed.

The nurse left leaving the Hokage alone with the girl. After awhile the Hokage decided to go get a drink, but before he exited the room, the girl began to toss in her sleep in an attempt to wake up. The Hokage looked at her wondering how she could be already trying to break out of the drug induced sleep.

Suddenly the girl's eyes burst open, and she sat up immediately, instantly regretted it as she cringed in pain before falling back onto the bed. The Hokage walked towards the girl who was at that point staring at him. "Who are you?" She asked him.

"I'm the Hokage at the moment your in the Konoha hospital. Can you tell me what your name is?" Said the Hokage

The girl looked at the Hokage for a second and slowly sat up before responding "My name is Sora. Sora Inku" she said

The Hokage smiled "Sora huh. What a nice name" the Hokage said smiling.

"Hokage-sama how long was I out?" Sora asked

"You were unconscious for a day. Can you tell me what you remember" the Hokage said.

Sora looked down "I remember everything about that night. . . Everyone's dead" said Sora.

The Hokage frowned "Yes . . . I'm sorry" said the Hokage sadly"There was nothing anyone could do about it" said Sora

"Anyway. What exactly will happen next?" She then asked the Hokage.

'How do I explain this to a 12 year old?' The Hokage thought before responding "At the moment you will remain at the hospital until you are fully healed. Which by the looks of your injuries will be tomorrow. Afterwards you will be brought to a council meeting in which you will tell us what happened" he said.

Sora stared at the Hokage for a second, he began to sweat from the intense gaze.

"Alright" she said to the Hokage

"Good. I have a meeting to go to but, later I will come to check on you" said the Hokage as he started to head towards the door, and left.


"What do you mean the Sky village was massacred?!" Yelled a council member. "Were there any survivors?" Asked another

"There was only one survivor. A 12 year old named Sora Inku" said the Hokage.

(Cue the eruption in 5,4,3,2,1)

"WHAT?!! Someone from the Demon clan!!". "The Demon child should be killed!" "I agree. We already have one Demon, we don't need another!"

"SILENCE!! I am the hokage here, and I have already decided that the child will be adopted. Tomorrow we will continue this meeting. There we are going to find out what caused the Sky village massacre" the Hokage yelled leaving no room for arguement

There was a long silence. "This meeting is adjourned. You will all take your leave" said the Hokage

Everyone left each with different thoughts. 'We already have one demon it would be best if we killed this one before it does something' the civilian council thought.

'An Inku clan member would be perfect for ROOT. I just need to convince Hiruzen to give me custody' thought Danzo

Meanwhile all of the clan heads are thinking 'The child has lost her entire family, and the civilian council want her dead. What is wrong them?'

Lastly the Hokage is thinking 'What a night. I just hope that Sora is prepared for whats coming'

Chapter End

(Bubblina11 doesn't own Naruto)

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