Hellos and Goodbyes

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Sabrina Pov:

I could feel my heart beating through my chest. My sister noticed how tense I was and hugged me.

"Look Brina. Don't worry about it. Ill be here for you every step of the way." Sarah said.

"But Bradley. What about him, what if he freaks out and never wants to speak to me again?" I asked and and she shrugged.

"Then Bradley isn't the guy I thought he was. Look, tell him and well deal with everyone else later. Ill see you later." Sarah said and headed out the door. Great now I'm alone.

I picked up my phone and saw how many missed calls and texts I've gotten. 23 calls, and 30 texts. Okay if this boy doesn't love me I have the definition all wrong.

I called him and waited for him to answer. Once he did I was bombarded with questions.

"Sabrina thank God you answered! Are you okay? Is your phone okay? Is everything okay??" He asked and i stopped him while laughing.

"Wildcat I love that you care about me but everything is perfectly fine."

Why would I lie to him. Everythings not fine.

"But I need you to come over. We need to talk about something important." I said trying not to worry him.

"Okay B ill be right over."

Peyton Pov:

I sat in my room and thought about the day I first met Rowan. She was 12 and I was almost 15. She was so optimistic and peppy and put a smile on everyones face. Like a ray of sunshine. And yeah I could kinda tell she had a crush on me. I thought it was adorable. Now I kinda wish we could start over and have it all happen again. Just in a different way. No Corey, No Fights. I have a hard time excepting the fact that those are the kind of things you could only dream about.

I want to be with her and I will. And if her parents wont let me see her, then maybe we just need to leave.

Sabrina Pov:

I practiced how I would tell him in the mirror. Short but sweet.

"Bradley. I know this is not something a person would ever want to hear at your age, but.. I'm pregnant. "

"What?!" I turned around to see Bradley in my room. He looked absolutely frightened.

"No no this is all wrong. I was gonna tell you later when you came over." I said obviously anxious.

"Well I'm here now." Bradley said and covered his face.

"I'm so sorry." I said and started crying.

Bradley hesitantly came towards me and gave me a big hug and dried my tears.

"Why are you sorry. Its my fault too. And don't cry Hun. We'll get through this. We'll pay for an abortion and your parents won't suspect a thing." He said and gave me a quick kiss.

"Promise?" I asked him with wide eyes.



Peyton Pov:

I already had my life planned out. I would be an actor, win a couple awards, marry a beautiful brunette and that would be it. Its so simple yet, everything that involves my love life is so complicated. Even though it might be complicated, I still want to be with Rowan. I got a huge suitcase and grabbed my emergency funds. Well at least my parents think its my emergency funds. I then started packing the important things. Pretty much everything.

After I finished packing I snuck out and headed towards Rowans house. I don't know what's gonna happen. All I know is that we have to run away to be together, I guess that's whats gonna happen.

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