Nothing Like Crashing A Wedding | Part 1

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Kludd entered the training hall, looking around for the soldiers in training. He knew it was best to inform them now, rather than springing it at them out of nowhere, so that he might be able to catch out any people against it before the wedding and would be able to deal with them swiftly.

Even for him it was hard to believe the speed at which all of this was coming to pass. Only a few weeks ago Nyra had agreed to become his mate – and he was well aware of how fortunate he was to end up with a powerful owl such as herself by his side – and now they were planning a wedding. One which would be taking place sooner than he'd initially anticipated, on Nyra's insistence. He couldn't say he was displeased, but her current behaviour was confusing. She seemed aloof, and more impatient than usual.

But then again, a wedding was an important event, so it made sense.

Already, two owls were present, along with the soldiers that had come back from their latest assignment along with Nyra. Even as more owls filed in, every owl was silent. This was unusual for the usually rambunctious crowd.

Nevertheless, he began speaking. "Before those of you in training begin sparring, there is something that you should know," he faced the other owls, catching sight of Demon glaring in his direction. She hadn't resented him before, he was certain. Perhaps she hadn't gotten enough sleep? Less surprisingly, Grace appeared unimpressed by his announcement already, as if she were judging him from afar. Were they expecting to hear something they wouldn't like? "A moon from now, there will be a wedding between myself and Nyra."

Judging by the look on owls' faces, the response was a mixed one. It was hard to tell what exactly they were thinking though.

"Whatever personal grudges you may hold against either of us, and whatever opinions you may have on this union, I expect you to control yourself and not let this occasion get out of hand. Is that clear?" He pointedly looked over to Grace and Blaze, who were the most likely ones to create chaos out of all the rookies. "Those who attempt to sabotage the day will be punished," he lowered his voice. "This means a great deal to myself and Nyra, and I will not let any owl get in the way our ceremony."

He could see demon shift in her place, appearing uncomfortable. Perhaps she was under the weather? Granted, she'd been acting oddly lately, but she had been around for a while – and even though younger than Kludd she may very well have been here longer – but it was not common for her to act like this. She raised her wing.

"What is it, Demon?" he inquired. She'd appeared like she might murder someone at any moment. It would be better to resolve this here and now, before she was the one who ended up ruining his plans.

"What if some owl was to object?" the dark owl didn't meet his gaze, her eyes darting around. She appeared angry and perhaps uncomfortable. Not that he cared about her feelings, but again, of all the Pure in training, she was the greatest threat skill-wise. "What if some of us believe that... Nyra is ...unsuited... to be the mate of Metal Beak and the queen of the pure?"

Amongst each other, the owls whispered, rumours and gossip spreading. There were some judging looks sent in Demon's direction, others towards Kludd. Even Blaza and Grace had joined, no doubt adding fuel to the fire. Kludd's claws dug into the rock beneath him. Part of him was tempted to strangle Demon right now for starting this drama. Had she not been one of his best fighters and most loyal soldiers, he would have probably done so. Instead, he relaxed his claws once more, shuffling a little, before responding.

"Your personal opinions on myself and Nyra will be dismissed, and I expect you to accept our decision," Kludd responded, "if you despise Nyra so much, then you'll simply have to live with it.

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