Diggy & Prodigy

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*Daniel's POV*

"Diggy breakfest is ready !" I heard my mom yell from downstairs . Today is the first day again at Townsend Harris high school. I dont mind , thou , cause hello , im Diggy Simmons. Plus im the main reason we got to states . Im the only freshman to do that in over 30 some years. My dad was the first. I wanted him to be proud of me.

I pulled the sheets off of me , and stretched. "Today is gonna be awesome." I slightly mumble to myself. I loooked over onto my dresser and saw the pic of me and my bestfriend prodigy when we were kids. I kinda feel bad cause he'll never be as good as i am . . . Oh well. My phone buzzed and i saw that i had 4 text from Alicia , and Candi. Boy these girls need some water with they thirsty self. I dont want niether of them. I know i sound like an asśhole but hey , when you're the most popular / sexiest guy at this school you're expected to act a certain way. I know it sounds cliché , but thats how my life works.

"Daniel ! Get down here now ! " My mom yelled. I got up and walked to the bathroom. Gotta be fresh for the first day back . I washed my face and brushed my teeth. After i took care of all my hygiene stuff i got dressed. I walked downstairs and smelled bacon . Mom is the best !

"Its about time." She said scraping eggs onto my plate . This is what being an only child does . I get whatever i want whenever i want it. I nearly demolished my food and chugged down some orange juice. "Bye mom." I kisses her cheek , grabbed my keys to my the bugatti i got for my birthday , and got in.

I pulled up into the school parking lot with everyone staring at my new ride. Man i basically run this place. I parked and got out , once again people were looking. Only this time the girls were smiling and wavin at me . Some guys gave me dirty looks. Oh well .

Kim waved at me . Got dámn she got a nice asś. Imma get that one of these days . But she only dates basketbLl players during the season and now its football season. "Hey diggy" "Hi !" He's so bomb" i heard as i walked on the red , white , and black tiles of the school . I looked and i saw prodigy only a few lockers away from mine.

*Prodigy's POV*

As i was opening my locker i felt someone slap my neck . I dropped my books and winced in pain,. I turned and saw it was no one else but diggy . Sometimes i really hated him . I could feel my eyes water a little . "Dámn i scared you that bad my niggá ?" I picked up my books that he made me drop. Diggy was always tryna be the person no one could live up to. I mean with a dad like his i couldnt blame him at all. I ball cause i love to do it, he was forced to, and if it wasnt for me , he wouldnt be as good as he is now. I remember last year , when i made the winning shot for our last game , his dad got so angry . So i just let diggy take the spotlight . It wasnt even that important to me. "You'll be aiight " i closed my locker and headed for my classroom. I dont know why but i hate being late for class.

I walked in and people were smiling and waving at me so i just did the same back . I dont like having ALL the attention on me like Diggy. I sat in the back of this girl she had brown hair a little bit passed her shoulders and tan skin. She smelled really good too . "Can i help you with something ?" She said breaking my concentration "Sorry ." I mumbled and slouched a little in my chair.

"I am sooo sorry Im late !" A girl rushed in and handed the teacher a slip . She walked back and sat next to me. "Hi im Madia !" She said . I just gave her a half smile and looked to the front of the room "Okay class settle down please" It took about a minue for the class to shutup. "My name is Miss Jones and I will be your homeroom and math teacher. Please open you textbooks to page 25." We started mumbling and opened our books. Okay um. . " She looked up and down the list with our names on it. "Yulissa ? Can you read the first question?" Everyone looked at each other wondering who Yulissa was . "Its Lissa and I'd rather not." Oh so thats her name.

"I'll read ." I halfway raised my hand . "If tony had 30 candy bars , sold 10 of them , and gave 5 to his little brother , how many candy bars does he have left ?" I finished . Miss Jones looked around. "Umm. . Madia how many does he have left over ?" She didnt say anything for awhile. "A heart attack maybe." Everyone in the class started laughing and I chuckled . "Or diabetes" One kid with 2 braids said and the class laughed even more loudly . "Thats enough !" Miss Jones Slammed her hand on the desk "Office. Now ." It was pretty obvious who she was talking to . They grabbed their stuff and walked out the class.

We continued onto the lesson . After awhile Miss Jones gave us the last 5 minutes to socialize . I just sayed in my seat , trying to focus on what Yulissa -- I mean Lissa -- was drawing. "All sophomore and freshman classes report to the auditorium." The intercom said and we all stood up and walked out to the auditorium.

When I walked in I saw diggy sit dow. I walked over but he shoot me away , and i got the memo that Kim was sitting next to him . Some friend he is . Whatever I countinued walking and saw Roc. " Hey man ." We did our handshake and I sat next to him . He had some girls sitting on his other side , they were smiling and blushing . "Welcome All sophomores and freshman !" The principal said and kept going on about safety and stuff . His words kept fading thou 'Cause all i could focus on was Yulissa who had been sitting in the section across from me , but a little further up.

A girl sittin next to her looked back and i quickly turned my head but still looking in the corner of my eye. She mumbled something to Yulissa and they both giggled. Were they talking about me ? "You may be dismissed ." the principal said and we all filed out of the auditorium. I looked over at Diggy who was giving me this stank look . He hated whenevr I hung out with people on the football. Hey , thats his problem not mine.

*Daniel's POV*

School was fun as fùck !!! All my teachers lemme chill instead of do work. My life is too good. Later after school i caught up with prod and we decided to hoop in the gym. I threw him his shorts and slipped my on . Shít. I forgot to go shoe shoppin before prod. I may be better at basketball , but his shoe game shítted on mine. I cleaned my shoes and walked out. He was already doin 3 pointers when i came out. He was gettin good. I ran up and took the ball. "i see you gettin better. Been practicin over the summer , huh ?" I teased him a little "Maybe maybe not." He said wiping his forehead

We played one on one for about 2 hours . Aye I gotta head home. You need a ride ? " i said picking up my duffle bag. "Naww im good." He said . We did our handshake and i walked out.

*Prodigy's POV*

After Diggy left i worked on my 3 pointers. Maybe i was getting better. I didnt feel,like going home. I did 3 more layups . I was there until the janitort old me i had to leave. When i walked outside i was surprised to see how dark it was . I checked my phone. "SHÍT !" I was here for 4 hours ! I started walking down the main road and noticed someone walking infront of me. I could tell it was a girl by the sound of her heels clicking. I walked closer trying to get a better look. Dont get me wrong i aint a stalker i was just . . Curious.

It wasnt so dark anymore since the lights on the streets turned on. I soon realized it was the same girl from this morning. Uh . . Lissa ? Yeah her. She turned and i ducked behind a wall . Where the hell was she going this late ? She turned and walked down an alley into a building. I forget what this place used to be. I watched as she walked in and closed the door behind her. I walked up and saw that she went into a strip club , the fùck ?"


Okay so people listen up ! There will be more chapters introducing more characters. I just want you to get to know the characters a bit before i started the actual story! Comment , rate, and SUBSCRIBE ! 😀😀😀

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