Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

It had been a couple weeks since the interview. Justin and Alex seemed happier then ever. It was currently 11:30 am on a Saturday and they have not woken up yet.

Justin's POV:

I fluttered my eyes open and saw the most beautiful sight. Alex was in her SLEEP IS MY JOB pjs, no makeup and her hair in a messy bun. I kiss her lightly on the lips.
She wakes up and says, "Good morning baby." and kisses me gently. She swings her legs over the bed but I grab her by her waist.

"Justin!" She screams in fake shock as I pull her in.
"Stway with me." I say in a baby voice. Her head tilts to the side and sighs.

"I have to pee." She laugh and I release my grip.
After a few moments, she comes running and plops herself on the bed.

"I'm back, my prince." She snuggles in closer to me.
I turn on the television that is in our bedroom and turn on Netflix.

"What should we watch, today, my little princess?" I ask.

"Um, Dance Moms!" She beams like a toddler.
"Anything for you, my bubba." I click on the latest episode of Dance Moms.

*Two hours Later*

Justin's POV:

"Justy! I'm hungry." Alex tells me as the last episode of her show ends.

"Okay. What would you like?" She puts on her thinking face.

"Um, pizza rolls!" She says, getting out of bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused.

"I'm getting pizza rolls?" She answers with a confused look on her face.

"No, you're not. I'm going to spoil my beautiful girlfriend today whether you like it or not." I say sternly.

"Okay Juju." She says, getting back into bed.

"Good." I jump out of bed and go into the kitchen.
I grab the pizza rolls from the fridge, grab a handful of them and put them into the microwave for a minute. I pour a glass of water for her as well. I put the food and drink on a tray. I pick up the tray and carefully walk back into our room.

"Your food is here, my lady." I say in my best British accent. She lightly chuckles.

"Thanks Justin." She extends her hang and grabs the plate. I get back in bed with her and she offers me some of her pizza rolls.

I put up a hand to say, "no thanks, I'm good." she shrugs and continues eating.

I pick the next show for us to watch.
"I love Scandal!" She says with food with her mouth.
"Alex, it's not polite to talk with your mouth full." I playfully scold.

"Sorry." She swallows the remaining food in her mouth.

"It's okay, baby." I bunny kiss her.


Alex's POV:

The sun was slowly setting. The sky was becoming some beautiful pinks, oranges and blues. I was currently by the window, admiring its beauty.

"Beautiful,isn't it?" A voice said, making me jump a little. I turned around and the handsome man that is my boyfriend.

"Yeah." I breathed out, pecking his lips.

"Just like you." We slowly continue the kiss.

A/N: Hey guys! How ya doing? I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, make sure to vote and comment. Love ya! 😘

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