Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Justin and Alex were slowly getting better. Scott contacted the police about the hit and run.

Alex's POV:

Justin, Scott and I were watching Inside Out on the couch, eating popcorn and generally having a good time.

"I'll go get us some more." Scott stood taking the bowl from my hands. Justin paused the movie.

"Hey! That was a good part!" I playfully whine.
"We need to talk about the hit and run." Justin dropped the remote.

"Justin, it happened. The police are investigating the incident. There's nothing we can do." I explain, wanting to go back to the movie.

"Do you think it's Madison?" Justin asks.

"Could be her, could be somebody else. Who knows?" I say.

"Madison is a nut." He says, looking to see Scott back with freshly made popcorn.

"Oh, while I was in there, I got a call from the police station. They might have found who hit you. They need you both to come in for an interview." He said.

"Okay. We can go now." Justin was attempting to get up, falling in the process.

"I'll just bring the car around." Scott caught him, sitting him back down.

*At the station*

Justin's POV:

Alex and I were sitting a dull room with a glass window but a special kind of glass. I did not know what it was called.

"Hello, my name is Benson." A female voice said. She had short brown hair and tan skin with brown eyes.

"Hi, Benson. I'm Alex." Alex extended her hand.

"Nice to meet you." Benson shook her hand.

"Do you have any enemies?" She asked, with a pen and notebook in hand.

"Uh, just one. She should be in jail though." Alex said nervously.

"What happened with her? Was she an ex-girlfriend, ex-friend....?" Benson dragged on.

"She was my ex-girlfriend. I broke it off with her when I got her cheating on me." I butted in. She scribbled something on the notebook.

"Do you think she would want you dead?" She asked.

"She made our lives a living hell." Alex spoke up.

Over the course of two hours, Alex and I told about she who must not be named.

"Oh, give us a call if you get any more strange messages." Benson said once we finished our story.
We heard the door open and Scott came in.

"Thank you for your time." Benson helped Alex and I out the door.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Justin and Alex were so cute in the beginning, don't you think? Please comment your opinions and vote. I love getting comments and replying to them. Love you!

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