Chapter 1

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I walked through the corridor, heading to the Vice Principal's office.

I knew I was in trouble, for getting involved in a fight, between me and a jerk, Daveson. Daveson is basically the bully in my grade. 

I'm in 11th grade, and Daveson is a drop out, he was supposed to be in 12th grade. But then he needed to retain in 11th because of his grades. Which was so terrible, I could score a higher grade than him doing the test with my eyes closed.

Daveson is a bully, people who are afraid of him basically worship him. He's got a bunch of lackeys who are willing to do any sort of stuff for him, eventhough he makes them look dumb.

Anyway, the fight started was because he tried to throw my bag into the toilet bowl. I was so angry I actually got his face into the toilet bowl instead, while the fight was going on. Believe me, it wasn't pretty.

I was definitely in trouble, the whole scene was seen by the vice principal himself.

This is pretty much the school life of mine, and I pratically hate it. I don't have friends. I always sit alone by the lunch table in the cafetaria. Even in class. I hardly pay attention, dyslexia has always been a problem of mine.

Obviously, my grades wouldn't be much better than Daveson.

"Varion Antonio Jack!" Somebody was shouting at me.

I was freaked out for a second, but I snapped back to reality and I was actually getting lectured by Vice Principal Roger. 

"Oh... Sorry." I apologised for day dreaming.

"What exactly happened, why were you two fighting?" Vice Principal Roger asked the both of us.

"This punk made me drink water from the toilet bowl." Daveson answered, I can see his anger, nobody had ever did something like that to him, except for me.

"He wanted to stuff my bag into the toilet bowl. I could not control my temper, if it's you yourself, Mr Roger, would you do the same thing?" I looked at Mr Roger, expecting an answer.

"You son of a mutant..." Daveson raised his fist and he was preparing to hit me with it.

"YOU TWO! Enough. You two will receive a dimerit, and the both of you will be given a punishment. Detention for the whole week, is that clear?" Vice Principal Roger stopped us before any physical action takes place.

I nodded, so did Daveson.

So there goes a whole week of detention.

-Darren :D





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