You shouldn't know

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Beast Boy's POV
I was making waffles for Raven, hoping to get her to be my Valentine for this weekend, I was making the syrup and every minute or two checking up on the waffle in the waffle maker. I am not a really good cook but I really want to learn how, I watched tutorials online all morning. I am getting kinda nervous with the whole Valentines thing, I was gonna ask Terra before she dumped me three months ago. My heart was broken but then when I was single, still am, I was really depressed and there was only one person that I think truly cared. I mean she would check on me everyday, she would help me with whatever I needed, and sometimes she would play video games with me! She sucks at them but I admire the fact that she tries. She is mysterious yet she is approachable in my opinion, I went into her mind and discovered a lot about her. Raven. Raven. Raven. Is all I could think about right now. I am home alone except for Raven in the tower I woke up around 8:00 and went into the common room to find a note on the table saying Raven + Beast Boy I am sorry we didn't tell you anything but an emergency happening was taking place across country didn't want to wake you up, we will be back in a week. If you need anything you know how to contact me
~Robin I wasn't shocked this isn't the first time it has happened to me, but to Raven I don't know how she will react. A whole week with just me and Raven, I can't just still pretend I like her as my friend I have to tell her how I feel. I was taking out the waffle when I hear a scream and furniture crashing down. The crime alarm didn't go off and the only other person that could have done this is Raven. I immediately stop what I am doing, shape-shift into a cheetah and sprint to her room. When I step in front of her door I see indents in her door like someone was punching it to get in, I try to open the door but it is jammed. "RAVEN!!??" I scream. There is a moment of pause and I start to get worried, then I hear a tiny voice say  "Beast Boy?" I shape-shift into an ant to crawl under her door, when I get inside all I see is a trashed room. I turn into human form and see that her huge book shelf has fallen and no sight of Raven. Then I hear someone hyperventilating and it is coming from under the book shelf. I turn into a gorilla and lift the bookshelf off and start digging through the books. Dang how many books could this girl have?? I finally see a purple clothe, knowing it was Raven's cloak I push all of the books off of her and see her on the floor shivering and with a broken arm. I pick her up and put her on my lap and change into human form. Stroking her hair and shhshing her to help her calm down, her breathing slowed and I look down at her, she was lifting up her good arm to carress my face. But when the tip of her finger touched my chin her body went limp and her eyes shut. She's still breathing and I check her pulse, it is slow but not fast enough to keep her alive for 10 minutes. I stand up still holding her bride style and take her to the health room. I put her on the bed and hook up an IV and a pulse tracker that is hooked up to a machine that gives the heart what it needs to pump and shows her heart beating in a screen. Once she is all hooked up and heart rate is just below average I pull my communicator out from my pocket and call the team. After a couple of rings cyborg picks up. "Hey grass stain! We are kinda busy right now so make this one quick!" Beast Boy shot him the look and responded, "I was making breakfast and I heard screaming and stuff falling," I scratch the back of my neck,"I went to check on Raven and she has a broken arm and is unconscious at the moment." Cyborg looked at me like I had three heads,"Where is she?!" I took a quick glimpse at Raven before answering, "she is in the health room and so am I." "Good and what did you hook her up to?" I quickly respond,"IV and a pulse tracker." My teeth began to chatter. "Ok you did the right thing, wait until she is stable enough to bring her to the hospital for her arm but in the mean time give her some pain medication." I couldn't piece together what he was saying,"She is unconscious she will choke on the pill!" Cyborg gave me the really-dude-you-think-that-I-am-going-to-make-you-do-that-I-thought-you-were-smarter-than-that look, I gave a nervous smile and he commented, "The shot not the pill, now I know you haven't done this before but I need you to do it right now or else she will wake up because of her pain and everything is going to go off track. Now all you need to do is on the broken arm in the highest point possible put the needle in a vein. You don't have to worry about being fast cause she is unconscious." I took a deep breath in and out, "I will try my best." Cyborg immediately said, "No you will do your best. Her life is on the line if you ever want Raven as your girlfriend then your gonna half too..." I cut him off just in case Raven was listening, "Yea thanks bye." I shut the communicator while he was in mid-sentence. I did and didn't want to do this, what if I mess up?? Will she live?? Will she die because of me just like my parents?? My eyes started to water even just thinking about them. I went over to the cabinets right next to the bed and found a syringe and the pain killer. My hands were trembling, I have watched a lot of things go wrong just putting in pain killer on General Hospital. Before I put the needle in the container holding the medication I take a deep breath in and out and steady myself. I inject the little container and suck up the medication with the syringe. I place the container down and walk over to the side of Raven's bed, she's so pretty when she sleeps, I find a vein in the top of her shoulder. Before I inject I feel the need to talk to her, "Listen Raven, if you could hear me, if not then I am just an idiot talking to myself. You are the best things that has ever happened to me you might not know that but that's why I am telling you now. I am doing this because I love you." My eyes start to water just the thought of losing her to a mystery, one tear drops from my face and onto hers. Inject the needle and slowly pushing in the medication, I have put all of the medication in and take the needle out. I place the needle on the table while not taking my eyes off of Raven. I cradle her face with my hand and wipe of the tear with my thumb. I stay like that for about a minute and then my communicator starts beeping. I walk over to my seat, pick it up, and answer it. "Hello?" I said in a monotone voice. Robins face showed up in the panel, "how's it goin?" Robin asked. "She's not waking up and I am kinda worried, what if she doesn't wake up? It'll be my fault." I sighed and looked down at my feet not wanting to face the truth. "Beast Boy stop assuming so quickly we don't even know what caused her to do that or who." I nodded still not looking up. "She'll be fine trust me." I didn't want to talk about it anymore. In one breath I spit out "Yea sure whatever bye" and closed my communicator. I sat there for ten minutes and started to doze off. It's 2:00 AM she's been out for 6 hours. My eyes are heavy but I am fighting to stay awake in case anything happens. My eyes give in but I am woken by her heart rates sky rocketing I run over to her bed to get a better look and she is squirming and whimpering. There is nothing I can do except watch. I lay my hand on her shoulder and she calms down. I take my hand off of her shoulder and she starts to squirm and silent scream again. Maybe she is calmer when I touch her, but why?? To test my theory I touch her shoulder again. Heart rate slows, breathing slows, she calms down. That's weird. Two minutes have passed and she is still calm with me touching her. Then her heart rate increases and her eyes burst open and she sits straight up and starts to hyperventilate. "Raven?!" She looks at me at backs away. "Don't touch me" she says threateningly. "What did I do this time?" She starts crying, "Raven?" I try to sound caring. She ripped out all of the needles and ran into her room. I hope I didn't do anything wrong.
Raven's POV
Why am I so stupid, what if I hurt him?? Did I hurt anyone else?? I lock my door behind me and slid down my door and sitting on the ground. I hear Beast Boy run after me but there is nothing he can do. "Rae?" He said he sounds like he is on the verge of tears. I start crying. "Rae are you ok you never cry. Open please?" I get up, walk behind my bed and sit and hide. I use my powers to open the door. He runs to me as I burry my head in my knees. "Raven what's wrong? What happened" He rubs my back but I move away. His ears drop. "Nothing" I choked out. "I wasn't born yesterday, and that wasn't nothing." I don't have the right to be a jerk but I can't tell him. "I can't...." "You can't what" I start to make a small portal under myself where I am sitting. He's getting mad at me but I am not stable enough to face him. "You shouldn't know" I finally say and I fully open the portal and go through it leaving Beast Boy behind
Hey sorry this chapter is kinda long I just had so many ideas I had to shove all of them in. I hate Terra she ruined BB

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