(Night Of Fears) Morro x reader

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Being in the cursed realm sucked especially if you we're only here for your no good back stabbing two faced sister, yeah you got the bad side of the twin thing. She gets to live free in Ninjago while your spirit is cursed and trapped because of her misdeeds, the one good thing out of this is Morro. He's your typical guy who just so happens wants to make Ninjago and all the realms cursed, and your his main target.

Chewing your lip as you wondered aimlessly around, Morro was in Ninjago doing his business while you just wondered. Feeling a course of energy rip your soul from the cursed land you felt extreme amount of pain, pain you haven't felt in years, squeezing your eyes shut the pain slowly disappears. "Open your eyes pet." A voice spat out making you whimper and open them coming face to face with the one who you feared yet secretly loved, Morro. You we're in some sort of tent thing, there was nothing but a bed a table and candles.

Morro was smirking at you like he had just won a prize, there we're other emotions on his transparent face but you couldn't make it out. "Oh pet you were always so pretty." Feeling Morro stroke your hair back you felt somewhat relaxed, you could feel his other hand tracing circles around you cheek. "So innocent. So fragile." His choice of words confused you what did he want, why was I here.

"I'm gonne break that." Fear consumed your body as you tried to get away, put he had a strong grip on your hair. Licking him tongue up your neck you we're squirming around, hearing him growl you we're suddenly under him. Although you thought it impossible he tore of you clothes leaving you bare before him, still squirming to get free you felt him stroke drown below it made your eyes widen and your cheeks (strangely) burn. "Do you like that pet." You didn't know whether to nod or not, you we're kinda mute.

"Answer me!" He demanded sticking his fingers in it making your shriek, nodding your head violently your felt him pumping his fingers into you. You liked it and that's what scared you more, feeling something in your stomach turn you we're terrified. Feeling yourself release you felt more scare cause of morros face, he looked so evil.

"Oh little pet I'm going to enjoy you." His words made you shiver and successfully run away, but you didn't make it far because he had grabbed to and threw you on the table. Your head stomach everything was press on the table your legs dangling over the sides, fear entered you as her heard a zipper.

"Oh pet you shouldn't run away from me." Feeling something slam into your behind you let out a few soft whimpers, whatever he was doing to you hurt so bad. It was bad enough you had no clue what was happening but now you we're feeling waves of pain, pain you never felt before.

It felt like it was pounding into you, you could hear Morros noises of pleasure behind you as on of his hand gripping onto your hip well the other was slapping your bum cheek. Unworthy tears streamed down your cheek as you thought of something, is this rape? The fear that the guy you secretly loved only wanted to use you sunk in making your chest squeeze in on itself.

After a few more thrusts you felt something warm a squirt into you, it was nice and you wanted to feel it again. "Oh pet you make me feel so good." Morro voice was raggered and husky, but your butt hurt so you weakly got up and tried to stagger away only to be court by the waist. "Oh darling little pet." His words we're a sickly sweet. "I'm not done with you." His words brought the fear back, you didn't want to do that again you wanted to just go back to the cursed realm and probably stay hidden in a corner.

Gulping back all the fear down as Morro dropped you on the bed you looked up at him, he still had bare just like you but he was more drowl worthy and he seemed to be pleased the you just lay there but there was also another emotion. Disappointment. Why would he be disappointed you just basically gave up trying to fight his now he can have you with out a fight.

Slamming himself into you again you did something you didn't think possible, something that shocked both you and Morro. It was only a whisper yet Morro could hear it loud and clear. "Morro." You whispered your, you hadn't been able to talk ever and no one knew your name. He had froze looking at you shocked, it was just enough time to let you a just to his size and it was big and hard.

Turning it around you felt some of your fear disappear you flipped Morro so you we're on top, jumping on him morro threw his head back moaning out 'pet'. You too we're moaning his name and that made him please, letting out a tiny scream as he poked something inside of you he flipwd you over hitting that spot repeatedly. Curling yourfwlt into him with your arms around his neck tugging and his hair, you felt yourself release again morro looked pleased with you as you felt the warmth squirt into you again.

Having Morro collapse next to you you both felt out of breath sweat drenching your ghost bodies, you we're able to see a little bit of blood it made you cringe. Morro must have noticed because he pulled to him. " My Pet." his voice made you smile. "Morro." Feeling his lips on yours you felt a bliss all the fear you ever felt gone with one simple kiss that made you non beating heart beat.

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