Chapter 9

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Alison's POV:

Today we have a game and we have to cheer for the girls basketball team. We are in the locker room changing.

"Wow we are totally going to look hot in the uniform, especially you Alison!" Cece says.

"Yeah I agree with you Cece." I say.

I'm changing with the rest of the cheerleaders when suddenly Emily comes in.

"Here love, you left your bag in my car." Emily says to Hanna.

"Oh thanks love, I forgot." Hanna says to Emily.

"Oops my bad girls, sorry for interrupting y'all." Emily says and with that she leaves.

I can't deny that Emily looked hot in her uniform but why did she called Hanna love. Are they dating or something. Hanna also called her that and I might've got jealous. I finally finish changing and look at myself. Well I definitely look hot but it seems that I only think that way, but I wish Emily thought that too.

"Let's go girls the game is about to start!" Cece yells.

We all make our way to the gym and I see Emily practicing, she definitely knows how to play.

Emily's POV:

When I went to the locker room and saw the girls changing my eyes only landed on one. Alison. She didn't saw that I looked at her because I was talking with Hanna. We have gotten close lately and I really care about her. We call each other loves because we want to since we love each other like sisters. I do have my sister but she's not like Hanna though. I love both of them.

I see the cheerleaders walking into the gym and I can't help but stare at Alison. She looks so hot in her uniform and I like it. All the girls look great but Alison is my number one. All of the team gets ready so we can start the game.

We are 10 minutes in the game and we are 4 to 3. I see the the opponent and I rush towards her. I make my move and take the ball away from her. She doesn't know how I did it and she seems surprised. I dribble the ball and pass it to Samara. She catches it and dribbles it, a girl is coming her way but she passes it to Maya. She then throws it to me and I catch it. I take this as an opportunity and shoot. The cheerleaders cheer and I realize that I made it.

Alison's POV:

I'm glad we are winning mostly because of Emily. We all cheered once she shot, the game is not interesting though. The only interesting about it is how Emily plays. I can't seem so excited when Emily shoots because some of the girls may think that I like her. Especially Cece cause if she finds out I'm dead.

I have noticed that Hanna gets so excited about Emily, I guess they are together. Emily smiles to Hanna frequently and it kind of gets on my nerves. Anyways I can't have anything to do with Emily so I should just ignore them.

The game has been "fun" as I could say. We are still winning 22 to 20 and it's already half time. The music starts playing and we do our routine. Everyone stares at us because we are really good at this and I'm proud that our team is great. We finish off and then the other team cheerleaders' dance. They are good but we are better and they know that. We return to our sideline and cheer a little but more. The  crowd applauses for us. I look at the other team cheerleaders' and I see the leader. She looks at me and I look at her, I show her that I'm not scared of her since I'm better. She then looks away to Emily since the other half is about to start. Wait did she looked at Emily, I look back at her and indeed she is still looking at Emily. Ugh what a slut she is, but she won't get Emily right, I mean Emily is with Hanna so no need to worry.

Our team is now seconds away from winning but the other team has the ball. Mona steals it and passes it to Maya, Maya then throws it to Samara. A girl from the other team is about to get the ball but instead Emily gets it and shoots just when the timer goes off. Everyone is in silence waiting for the final score. We all look and get 28 to 27 yes we won thanks to Emily. I'm so proud of her. Everyone starts to cheer and yell we do our victory dance. Emily comes running towards Hanna and spins her around. They seem so happy together and I should be proud of them at least Emily is sticking to just one girl. The people start to leave and we go back to our locker room. The other team cheerleaders are across our locker room changing. We all take our showers and get dressed. I walk out with Cece and the girl from earlier stops right in front of us.

"Y'all may have won but we are better than you losers." She spats.

"Um Cece what was that I heard?" I ask.

"Oh the girl here said that we are better and that they are losers I'm glad she understands." Cece smirks.

"Oh thank you sweetheart I'm glad you said it, well I would love to chat but I have to go bye." And with that Cece and I walk away.

"Ugh what a loser she is." Cece says.

"Tell me about it." I say.

"Ugh damn it I think I might've left my phone in the gym." I say.

"Want me to come?" Cece asks.

"No it's ok you can go home see you around Cece!" I say.

"Ok bye Ali."

I walk towards the gym and it's already empty, I look for my phone but I don't see it. Ugh seriously I look around and nothing.

I walk towards the locker rooms and I'm glad no one is here anymore. I start to look and nothing.

"Oh your phone is in my bag, it was on the floor so I took it and was going to give it to you." A familiar voice says.

I turn around and see Emily standing in front of me. She has on a sports bra and her boxers. I can't help but look at her amazing body. She still has a little bit of water on her abs. She looks so freaking hot.

" yeah thanks." Damn it did I stutter.

"No problem, here you go!" She hands me my phone.

"Ok well bye then." I say while walking out of the room, and being stopped by the girl from earlier.

"Oh hey Emily!" She says.

"Um hey do I know you?" Emily asks.

"Nope but I saw how you play and I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight?" She asks.

"Um I don't know?" Emily responds.

"Um that's a no sweetheart, you see Emily here has a girlfriend so she can't." I say out of nowhere.

"Oh really then where is she I don't see her?" She says, dang this girl gets on my nerves.

"You are looking at her darling!" I say.

"Is that true Emily, is she really your girlfriend?" The girl asks.

"Um yeah she is, so I can't sorry." Emily says.

"Ugh too bad you can do better than that Emily!" She points at me, ok now I can't take it. I run towards her and tackle her down. I feel a pair of strong arms pulling me away from her.

"Babe don't worry about her it's nothing." Emily says to me.

"Could you please go and leave my girlfriend and I alone." Emily asks the girl.

"Only for you Emily but ok bye." And with that she leaves.


Thought I should not keep y'all waiting for this chapter. That's if it's still interesting to you guys. I have seen the votes but no comments but that's ok. Don't know if I should continue this story though. Bye ~K

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