The beach pt.2

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Recap: dragged me out of the water

I woke up with a boy with the bluest eyes and Brownest hair in front of my face. "What happened?" I asked with confusion "U almost dround," the boy said helping me up. "Well thank u for your help but u can go now," as I said stumbling over and he suddenly caught me "Thank u again,""no problem but thank u for being so beautiful," he said. I could feel my face getting hot and I covered my face he couldn't see me blush. As I was going to get my thing I remember that I came with Izzy so I looked back to find her talking to this boy with brown hair and brown eyes. So after I gathered all of my stuff I walk to were Izzy was standing and she gave me a big bear hug, "I am so glad u are ok,""yeah ok so is this handsome boy,"" oh this Shawn Mendes, Shawn this is Shannon."

So Isabella introduced me then I when over to the guy who saved me

"So here's my knight in shining armer,"I laughed. "Oh and here is my damsel in distress," he came back. "Hi I never got to introduce myself, I'm shannon and u are?" I asked. "I am Nash, this is taylor, carter ,cameron ,matthew, jack and Jack ,and my brother hayes." He said introducing everyone. "Well it was nice to meet u and thank u again, let's go Iz," I said but soon interrupted. "Wait can I have your number,"Nash asked

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