×Chapter One×

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Beep beep beep.
Beep beep beep.
Jack Johnson, age 16, was still asleep in bed, even after many warnings from his mother to sleep early. Today would be Jack's first day back in "John Jones High School for The Arts". He would be a junior this year, accompanied by his only 2 friends, Sarah McCorthny and Thomas Oaks. Jack had no idea how he made friends with them, since he was very socially awkward, but he didn't complain one bit. Sure, friends can be annoying at times, but it's nice to know someone is always there for you.
Beep beep beep
Beep beep beep
Jack couldn't escape the irritating noise of the alarm clock this time. He was too tired and lazy to even lift his arm and press "snooze". Jack slowly opened his eyes, which was very hard for him since they felt so heavy. "Nngh..." Jack moaned as he tried to get up from his bed. Jack couldn't get up, for there was something heavy on top on him. Jack quickly opened his eyes despite the heaviness and tried to look at what was on him.
"Is this some sort of prank" Jack thought as he looked at the girl sitting on him. "Good morning!" The girl said as she jumped off Jack so quickly and lightly that it seemed almost unreal.
Suddenly, Jack started to think clearly. What if this was a robber...or a murderer?! Or that one guy I killed on Call of Duty once?! Jack jumped off his bed and grabbed the nearest thing to his left. A teddy bear. Jack had grabbed a teddy bear. Not just any teddy bear, no, no, no. His "Sparkle Wonder" teddy bear he has kept next to him since he was 3, fearful some sort of demon might possess him. Not only that, but it was pink and overly-fluffy, with a giant heart shape on its little black nose.
Jack didn't care if he died now. He actually wanted to die right now. Showing an embarrassing fluffy teddy bear to a girl that could possibly be trying to kill or rob him right now. Not only that, but in an awkward attempt to protect himself. "Oh God." Jack thought as the girl looked at him with a confused look on her face. Now that Jack looks at her clearly, she's probably just an average high-schooler like him, and she sure isn't carrying any weapons.
Jack quickly puts the bear down. The "scare robber/murderer plan" obviously wasn't working. He actually hoped that he would die of embarrassment right then and there.
"Ello." said the girl, as if she didn't see his attempt to try and kill her with an overly-fluffy teddy bear. "H-hi?" Jack said, confused and scared, almost to the point of wetting himself. "Sorry for the fright, my name is Kiya." the girl said. "Uh, why are you in my room? On top of me?" Jack said, sweating bullets. "I'm your guardian angel. From here on out, I'm here to protect you."

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