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Finally! It's the end of the day!

The day has gone so slow, I thought I was going to turn in to an old lady by the end of it.

At long last the day has come to an end, so I may begin my training with the Captain.

Leaving the barracks, I bump in to the white haired old man, otherwise known as... Old man...

"Oh hello there Satomi! Where are you off to?" He asks with that smile of his.

Smiling back with pride, "I'm training with Captain Kuchiki!"

It's not every day one gets to say that.

"Captain Kuchiki?" He asks, tilting his head a little, "well, that boy is full of surprises isn't he! Don't push your self too hard now."

I roll my eyes at him, he's so over protective, "Dad... I have to push myself or else I won't get any stronger! I'm not going to achieve Bankai if I don't push past my limits."

"Bankai!? Byakuya is training you to do Bankai?" He reaches out a pale hand to pat me on the shoulder, "that in its self is an achievement! Good luck with it. You must be special if Byakuya wants to help."

His last statement makes me blush. The way he said it implied something else, something more personal?

"I gotta go, sorry. Take care Dad! Love you!" I shout as I run in the direction of the Kuchiki manor.

"Don't over do it!" He shouts back.

Reaching the Kuchiki estate, I approach the gates, to which I am greeted by two guards.

Does he really need guards? He's a Captain...

The guards point their weapons at me making me instantly panic. I probably could take them out, but still kinda scary you know?

"No, wait! I'm ju-"

"She's with me."

Captain Kuchiki arrives just in time, Flash stepping in between me and the guards.

Instantly the guards both drop to one knee and bow their heads, "We apologise sir!"

Completely ignoring them Kuchiki heads in to the front garden of his manor. I follow taking in the beautiful scenery.

The garden is huge! It has a pond with a bridge! How cool is that!?

I can't help but notice the cherry blossom trees, seems there's a theme with the Captain...

The short walk through the luscious garden bring us to the front of the manor.

It's even bigger than it looks from outside the gate. Above the main door there's the Kuchiki family symbol. It sort of looks like a pair of wings... I guess? I don't know.

Anyway... We head inside and are greeted by three maids. One of which takes Kuchikis Captains Haori and scarf.

It's strange seeing Captain Kuchiki like this. In all my time as his lieutenant, I have never seen him without his Haori or scarf.

He actually looks... Good. Well he always looks good, but I mean... With out all those layers on you can see his figure better. With out the scarf his neck and part of his chest is showing, which really makes a girl wonder what's underneath...

Ok! Stop it Satiomi! Stop drooling over your Captain, that's both weird and wrong.  You're hear to train with him, not sleep with him. Get your shit together woman!

"Any requests for dinner tonight Lord Kuchiki?" A shy, yet professional voice asks.

Brushing her off he replies, "Dinner will not be required tonight."

Forever and Always (Byakuya Kuchiki Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now