Chapter 10

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<<<JACK'S POV>>>

I woke up to a splitting headache, I groaned in pain. Geez, how I hate damn headaches! I sneezes, I could feel my throat burning up. I tried get up, but my legs felt like jelly. I forced myself to get up and go downstairs. My butler, John looks completely startled.

"Something the matter, John?" I asked as I sniffled.

I almost instantly regretted asking, because my throat is burning as I spoke. I rubbed my throat, but it didn't have any affect.

"Sir, are you quite alright? You look very pale," John said worried.

I looked at him with a really expression. I rolled my eyes at him.

"John, I have pale skin." I laughed.

John shook his head as if to say not your skin complexion. My mouth formed into an o shape, I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I have big bags under my eyes, dark circles under my eyes, my legs are shaking, my nose is red and my throat is burning. Huh, must have a fever.

"I'm fine," I said.

I walked back into the kitchen and John had left me out a glass of water and some paracetamol. I saw a note next to them too.

Dear Mr Frost,
                            I am just nipping out to the shop for things to gather for you; I know you are ill, so I'm getting stuff for chicken soup and also we need some more paracetamol too.


I sighed. Why? Why? Why? I hate being ill! To be honest, being unwell is a once in a life time thing for me. Well I got to text my Mom and Dad, I guess.

'Mom, can't come in today, I'm very ill 😓' - Jack

I sent the message and almost immediately got a message back. Guess Mom is on her phone.

'Oh, my poor baby boy! 😢' - Mom

I groaned in annoyance, why does she call me baby boy? My mother know that I'm twenty three-years-old, right? I know that I act childish, but c'mon! I put my phone down, I grabbed a blanket, pillow, glass of water and some films then headed for the movie theatre. Yes, I have a movie theatre in my mansion. Just as I sat down, I sneezed and the doorbell rings. Who could that be? Oh god! Please don't be my Mother, please don't be my mother, please don't be my mother! I got to the front door and it's Elsa!

"Phew, I thought you were my Mom!" I said, relieved.

Elsa looked at me worriedly.

"What?" I said.

I groaned again as my throat was on fire. I scratch my throat, Elsa takes a step closer.

"Nuh uh, stay back. I'm ill, you might catch it and you're pregnant." I said seriously.

I closed the door ajar, so Elsa could only see a strip of me. Elsa giggled and I opened the door, I gave her a goofy grin.

"So what are you doing here?" I said.

I tried my best not to moan in pain, my throat feel as hot as a kettle!

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