<<<ELSA'S POV>>>
"Hiccup, could you move that table against that wall in the centre?" I ordered.
"Merida, a little higher please!" I ordered.
"Jack, don't injury that hand again please! Take it easy!" I ordered.
"Tadashi, please set up the radio and speakers!" I ordered.
"No, no. Not there, Hiccup!" I panicked.
"Merida get the door please, that's Anna's cake!" I said.
I have been organising Anna's party for the past two hours near enough. There are decorations and Merida is the one doing decorations, Tadashi is doing music and lights, Hiccup is moving furniture, Jack is helping me with drinks and food. We aren't having alcohol - me and Anna are pregnant, duh!
I walked back into the kitchen and Jack was taking out plates with his one good hand, whilst I am taking out drinks. He can only use one hand for a while. He can take off his cast in three and a half weeks time! He is really annoyed though, because he can't work and bring money in. I really can't wait! I'm now seven months along! It's hard to believe that I have been pregnant for seven months, in another two months I will be having my baby!
"Elsa, I have the cake here!" Merida called.
"Hiccup, help your girlfriend!" I winked.
Hiccup blushed smiled faintly and nodded. Well, they have been dating for the past week. I'm glad Hiccup is moving on from Astrid, I just can't believe that she was married! That shocked me so badly. She was one of my good friends too...
"Els, here is the cake!" Merida cheered.
Merida came in with the cake, whilst Hiccup brought boxes into the room. Merida placed the cake in the middle of the table. Hiccup put all the present in the corner in a neat pile.
"I need everyone's help to carry in the radio and speakers!" Tadashi called.
Everyone but me and Jack helped. Jack didn't want me to lift them, because of the weight and also Jack can't because of his wrist, no lifting heavy object or he could do worser damage. I looked at Anna's cake and smiled. The perfect colour that Anna likes. Her favourite colours, but I just hope that they haven't changed!
After one hour, everything is finally ready! The food, cake, drinks, music, lights, furniture moved out the way and the decorations are done. On Anna's birthday, Kristoff has taken her out for dinner and...HE IS GOING TO PROPOSE! I know, Kristoff is going to propose! Anna's birthday is tomorrow, Kristofer told me about the plans to propose so I decided the party for the day before.
"Jack, could you text Kristoff and ask him to bring Anna over now?" I asked excitedly.
Jack bows jokingly and I glared. He raises his hands in surrender, I really can't be bothered for Jack's childishness right now! I took deep breaths and smiled.
After five minutes, Kristoff comes in covering Anna's eyes. She had a straight face on. I sighed internally, I really hope she like this!
"Kristoff, I'm not in the mood. I want to go back to bed," Anna complained.
My face fell. Really? She doesn't even want to see just a teeny tiny glimpse of what I have done for her? Tears were running down my cheeks. Kristoff uncovered Anna's eyes and she gasped at the sight.

Jelsa One Night Stand
FanfictionElsa Moore owns one of the most successful companies in the world, but a tragedy takes place and Elsa gets drunk and she made a mistake... A HUGE mistake, because she had a one night stand with the companies sworn enemy... What happens when she is l...