when i was your man

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place:laliya's condo

time:5:15 pm

date:friday march 20, 2013

laliya p.o.v

i was in the middle of washing dishes when the door bell rang i walked to the door and looked out the peep hole it was asia jaylen (jay-lean) jasmine and tiani i opened the door  greeting them

"hi tiani jaylen jasmine and asia" i said smiling letting them in

"hey girl" asia said while hugging me these girls have been by me forever especially jaylen being that I use to babysit willow her little sister

"so we heard about what happend at the party yesterday" jaylen spoke up sitting at the island seat

"oh yea i dont even know why diggy brought her annoying ass" jasmine rolled her eyes

"she's a fast ass little girl my father is so upset with her right now " jaylen picked at her nails

"ok lets change the subject "tiani said quickly

"yea um so asia whats going on between you and prod" i asked walking back over to the sink to finish washing the dishes

"i dont know we real close friends with benefits we kissed a few times here and there " asia smiled big

"awe .. sadly I still got a thing for diggy the dog "jasmine said while looking around thing was me and Daniel never dated he was just a father figure to kiara since he was always around her jasmine and diggy dated way before kiara came around

"Not sure if you want to get into that with the whole willow thing but you were his first love and nothings gonna change that " I shrugged washing the last few dishes

" your right " I heard her sigh behind me

"Me and roc started talking but nothing deep he was asking me about you " jaylen said shrugging it was little tinge of jealousy but it bypassed as quick as it came

"Well I guess you could say I'm feeling Jacobs little vibe " I laughed I put the last cup on the drain board turning the faucet off fully engaging in the conversation

"you guys are so cute but umm quick question where is kiara" tiani said just now realizing my baby wasn't here

"Prince took her out with his cousin " i said

"oh" they all nodded

" well me and ray we straight I guess "tiani said while smiling I felt like I was missing something then it clicked

"wait what "i semi yelled catching on

"I might have forgot to mention that last night we made it official with some real nice loving " she smiled even wider if that were possible

" you so nasty " jasmine laughed

" awe the young children are in love " i said laughing

" your 19 asia is 20 im 19 jaylen is 19 and jasmine is 19 were not young" tiani shook her head " I wish "

" We definitely are in my eyes " Asia agreed to that

" If it helps you sleep at night " she said we all laughed I missed days like this

"ray just texted me he said for all of us to meet him at the studio house it's important" tiani looked up for a few then went back to texting

" well then let's go " i hopped up and put some clothes on before we all left the house heading to the studio

place:the studio

time:5:45 pm

roc's p.o.v

prince was heated with the idea i came up with but hell live i just want liya to know how much I love her and kiara and that I really wanted to be in kiaras life I came to terms that I won't have another chance with her but I needed another chance with my daughter she was all that mattered for now

i heard them walk in then i heard their voices ray told them to sit down on the sofa the music started to play and it was my que i started to sing

"Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
It all just sounds like oooooh...Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize That I should 've bought you flowers and held your hand Should 've gave you all my hours When I had the chance Take you to every party Cause all you wanted to do was dance Now my baby's dancing But she's dancing with another man
My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways Caused a good strong woman like you to walk out my life Now I never, never get to clean up the mess I made, ohh...And it haunts me every time I close my eyes it all just sounds like oooooh...Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize That I should 've bought you flowers
And held your hand Should 've gave you all my hours when I had the chance Take you to every party Cause all you wanted to do was dance Now my baby's dancing but she's dancing with another man " liya looked at me with four years worth of hurt flooding in her eyes she left out with prince following behind her


sorry im done maybe tommorow or tonight or never bye


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