Chapter Thirteen

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Sierra woke up bright and early the next morning, knowing that she and Summer would likely want to get a jump start at their fitting.

She quickly brushed her hair and changed into yoga pants and a tee shirt so she could change easily.  Sierra was just grabbing a breakfast bar when there was a knock on her door.

She hurried to answer it and saw Summer striking a pose, her hair and makeup looking like she'd spent a long time on it.

"Practicing, Summer?" Sierra chuckled as she closed the door behind her.

"What, you didn't like my fish lips?" Summer crossed her eyes and squeezed the sides of her lips together.  Sierra couldn't help but laugh, her guffaw echoing.  Embarrassed, she quickly covered her mouth, trying to contain her giggles.

They hailed a taxi and Summer gave the driver the address off her phone.  On the way there, they tried to guess what their outfits would be like.

Upon arrival, Sierra realized she had no idea where they were supposed to be.  Summer, normally enthusiastic and loud, seemed a little shy as they walked in, so she must've not known where to go, either.

Luckily, a Hispanic woman appearing to be in her early thirties rushed over to them.  She had dyed purple hair, a nose piercing, and she was a bit large. 

"Come this way!" She called to the girls in a heavy accent. 

Summer and Sierra were led past the men's section and up an escalator where the women's department was.  Sierra wondered if Ramin and Joseph had arrived yet.

Sierra and Summer were led to separate circular platforms like the ones you saw on wedding shows on TV that had full length mirrors facing the platforms. 

A moment later, Sierra was swarmed by seven women, each sporting their own unique styles of hair, clothes, and piercings.  She stood there for a moment while they jabbered and pointed to her.  She made eye contact with Summer, who was also being argued over, and they both shot each other looks that clearly said kill-me-now.

Finally, one woman spoke up louder than the others.

"Geeve her thee da-hk indego dreess!" She shouted in a foreign accent Sierra couldn't place.

They all seemed to agree, and Sierra was handed a dress bag and told to change.

She hurried to the fitting rooms and gratefully closed the door, eager for a moment of peace. 

She unzipped the bag and removed the dress, which was a dark indigo color that had loose ruffles beginning at the waist.  The bodice was sleeveless, and she had a feeling that these photos were going to be quite interesting.

Sierra slipped into the dress and stumbled back onto the platform.  The dress hugged her legs so tight they were practically glued together, making it nearly impossible to walk.  She could only hope they wouldn't put her in heels.

Her attendants scurried around, taking her measurements and deciding just how much to raise the hem and tighten it at the waist. 

After her measurements were taken, she was told by an attendant, whose name tag read Shaneesha, to wait while they got some jewelry to have her try on. 

An attendant returned a moment later with an organized jewelry box and held several necklaces, earrings, and bracelets up to Sierra.  It was decided she'd wear a thin necklace that matched the color of the dress, indigo teardrop earrings, and an indigo cuff bracelet. 

Then came time for the shoes.  First some flats were debated over, and Sierra prayed they'd go with them.  Unfortunately, her attendants decided flats weren't glamorous enough and moved on to three inch heels.  Sierra internally groaned as a pair of indigo three inch pumps were chosen.

After shoes, her clothing attendants left and four hairstylists rushed over.  Though she wouldn't be having her hair done that day, they'd decide on the style so they wouldn't have to Thursday, the actual day of the photo shoot.  After several minutes of debating, it was decided that she'd have a wavy half up-half down style.

Finally, she was free.  As she stumbled back to the fitting rooms, Sierra thanked God she'd been smart enough to wear a pair of comfy tennis shoes for the way home.  She quickly changed and put the dress back in the bag, leaving it in the fitting room.

Summer was coming to change as Sierra was finishing, and she quickly scanned her friend's outfit: a simple white, strapless dress that had intricate brown beading at the waistline.  It flowed easily over Summer's legs, who appeared to have no trouble walking in it.

Sierra plopped on a couch as she waited for Summer to finish and pulled out her phone.  She had a text from Tam asking if she was available that night.  She let her eyes glaze over that and saw a text from Ramin that had just popped up.

It was a mirror-selfie he'd at his fitting.  He was on a platform in front of a mirror.  Several attendants bustled around him and fixed the suit he was wearing or fussed with his shoes.  He was frowning at the camera and attached a message: I feel like Ron Burgundy before going on air but with the energy of him after going on air.  Save me.

Sierra laughed just as Summer exited her changing room. 

"What's so funny?" She inquired, angling her neck to try and see Sierra's phone screen.  Sierra quickly turned her phone off and hopped up from the couch.

"I don't know about you, but all this fitting stuff is making me hungry." Sierra knew food could distract Summer.

"Well then, let's go gorge ourselves, shall we?" Summer linked her arm through Sierra's as they made their way out the door.

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