chapter 1

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(Y/n) p.o.v

Hello! My name is (y/n) (l /n) today am going to my new school echo greek academy am kind of nervous since i was home school for 4 years, i had trouble in school ever since but i think am ready to go back to school

I woke up yawning its was 7:30 am my school was only 2 blocks away so im going to go to school early today, i jumped of my bed and put on (f/s) and some dark blue jeans ,i went to go brush my teeth and hair "honey,come and wat your breakfast " My mom shouted from the kitchen "okay" i grabbed my book bag and went to the kitchen "you seem happy for today" she says as she puts pancakes in front of me

"Well yea i am going back to school instead of being home school" i started to eat , she nodded "well am going to work,have a nice day today" she kisses my forehead "you to mom" she left,after 5 minutes i finished my breakfast and grab my stuff i needed and headed to school

Once i arrived school i was nervous i started to shake a little, i mean its okay to be nervous going back to school...right? I started to walk towards my locker and everything went fast ,i tripped over or someone tripped me over "ow" i hit hard on the ground "hey watch where your going looser" i look up and see a girl with long black hair wearing and wearing a cheerleader uniform
I nodded quickly and stand up "s-sorry!" I shouted but not to loud "pfft what ever" she flips her hair making it slap my cheek "wow shes mean i guess i know not to mess with her" i mumbled and headed to my locker

I bump into someone. Wow am i really that clumsy today!?'i thought to my self "s-sorry! I didnt mean to!" I look at them "oh no its okay, oh i havent seen you here so you must be new,well my name is marco diaz and this is my friend star butterfly" the girl with long blond hair known as star squealed "hi! Hello!!! Whats your name!?" I flinched and shutter "m-my name is (y/n) (l/n)" i felt my cheeks warm

"Aww don't be embarrassed!!" She pulled me into a hug "uh star i think your scaring her" marco spoke ,she pulled away. He was right i was getting scared nobody has been this nice to me and just hug me out of nowhere, am guessing there going to be friends with me.

"Hehe sorry am just excited theres a new student here" she smiled widely , i headed to my locker i noticed mine is next to theres [ you | marco | star ] ,star came up to me "so whats your class?" I handed her my paper she smiled "yay!!! Your with us!! Come on!"she grabs me by the wrist and drags me to class , marco just laughed a bit and followed us behind. Once we arrived at class star had an empty sit next to her ,i sat down there

I was next to the window, i heard the teacher walk in, my eyes widen i wanted to scream and ran out of the classroom , she was a goblen looking thing "well good morning students today we have a new student, so come up front and introduce your self" grest just great!! I slowly stand up and went to the front , i started to feel my face burn "m-my name is (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet y-you all" they all said hi at the same time but star kept on yelling "HI (Y/N)!! CAN YOU SEE ME!?! AM OVER HERE!!!" I looked at the teacher "go sit down" i nodded and headed to my sit

Star looked at me and whisper "did you see me?" I giggled and nodded ,class started i was focusing on my work until i had chills go through my body am guessing someone is staring at me I took a look and see marco staring at me,once he noticed he turn around quickly and focus on the board , i think i saw him blushing

Marco p.o.v

When class stared i couldnt stop thinking about (y/n) even though i just meet her , i took a Glace to look at her ,she is so beautiful the sun shining around her
. I couldn't stop staring at her until she turn around and noticed i was staring at her i blushes red and turn to look at the front. God dammit she saw me staring at her!!! I hope she isnt creep out of it

After school was over we went to out lockers, today was fast "hey (y/n) you want to go to my house?" Star lookaed at her "our house" i crossed my arms and look at them, (y/n) tilted her head "are you guys siblings?" I chuckled "no she just lives with me" star nodded "so is that a yes?" Star question "u-uh am not sure if my mom would let m-me" once she said that i frowned so did star "aww man" star look at her "but i can ask" (y/n) took her phone and called her parents

(Y/n) p.o.v

I started to call my mom "hello?" "Hi mom! Well today i made friends and they asks me if i can go to there house is it okay?" I heard my giggle "okay but be home by 8 okay?" I smiled "okay,love you" "love you to sweetie" i hanged up and nodded, star squealed "yay!! I must show you my room!!" She dragged me out of the school whilr marco followed "uh star i know how to walk" star let go of me "ehehe sorry" marco started walking next to me i felt nervous. Am i starting to like him? But i just meet him maybe my feelings are just playing around with me

Once we arrived to there house star started to giggle and open the door "mom! I brought... well we brought someone here!" Marco shouted as hes parents walked im the living room ,marco dad came up to me "ah your marco girlfriend?" I blushed red so did marco "dad!!" "n-no, am h-hes friend j-just a friend" i smiled awkwardly "oh well you guys would make a cute couple" hes mother nodded "mom!! dad!! Stop it" i turn to look at him ,he was blushing red

hes parents laughed a bit "okay,okay" they walked away "sorry about that" marco laughed nervously "its okay" i smiled "come on (y/n)!! Let me show you my room!!" She ran upstairs and i followed she open her door my eyes widen i walked in slowly "wow you have a big room!" She smirk "yup!! Look what i can do!!" She took out a wond looking thing she said something but i didnt hear clearly

Marshmallows appeared in front of us she jumped on one "h-how do you do that!?" I shouted as i touch one of the marshmallows "well since you look like a person i can trust so imma tell you, am from another dimension my parents sent me to earth" i tilted my head "they wanted me to improve stuff thats why" "ohh"

Out of nowhere the ground started to shake i look outside and he ground started to crack Marco groan "oh no not him" star groan loudly "him?" I questioned "its star ex boyfriend hes from the underworld"
"Star!! Please give me another chance!!!" We heard someone shout outside star open the window and went to the balcony "no!! Go away" fire appeard in front of her a human figured appeard ,Marco ran next to star and look like he was ready to fight

"She said no so go now!! Go fine someone else!" Marco shouted the demon guy had 3 eyes "no! I can never!! Star look i changed" star pushed him off "no more chances your a jerk!" The demom growled and looked at me i flinched , he stopped growling and smirk "i think i just found someone else" my eyes widen


Well theres chapter one!!

I felt like writing this story so eh why not?

Hope your gonna like this story!


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