chapter 9

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(Y/n) p.o.v

I slowly wake up feeling a little dizzy "where im i?...who im i?" I looked around until a demon with 3 eyes walked in "oh your awake my darling (y/n)!" He pulls me into a hug i didnt do anything why is his guy hugging me? Do i know him?

He pulls away "w....whos (y/n)? Who im i?who are you?"i asked him curiously he took a minute to answer "well first ,my name is tom and your name is (y/n) and second your my girlfriend ,i lay you down here since this two people try to kill you and knocked you out so like a boyfriend i am i saved you"

My eyes where half way open , so my name is (y/n)? Since when he was my boyfriend? "Who try to kill me? And why?" He sighs "theres a girl with long blond hair with light blue eyes ,her name is star and a boy hes name is marco he has short hair with brown hair,brown eyes and the reason they wanted to kill you is because they want to see you suffer they wanted to cut you open slowly,they might seem nice but there not"

I gasps and started to tear up ,he frowns and pulls me into a hug "shh its okay (y/n) ill protect you okay?" I nodded as i hug him ,he puts hes hand under my chin making me look up at me ,he slowly leans in and kisses me

Do i kiss back? Can i trust him? Is he really my boyfriend? Or is he telling the truth? So many questions pop up in my headed but a minute after i slowly kiss back ,i felt him grin i blushed deeply.

I guess hes right ,ill trust him

1 year later

Marco p.o.v

I sighed as i lay down in my bed looking at the ceiling (y/n) been missing for a year after the date nobody has heard of her, not even her parents know where she is ,we have been searching ever day

But nothing i been in my room everyday i only get out to go to school, eat and use the bathroom star try to cheer me up but it didnt work. I sit up and look at my phone i called her so many times no reply or anything, "where could you be (y/n)" i softly said and started to tear up

I hug my pillow as hot tears fall down my cheeks ,i heard a knock "..come in" i sighed star open the door slowly "hey marco..." i curl up into a ball using my blanket ,she frowns and sits on my bed "come on marco cheer up" i didnt answer

I see her stand up she opens the window i hissed the sun hitting my eyes "you need to go outside, you just cant stay in your room forever " i groan "yes i can"i stand up and i was about to open the door until i saw a familiar face...its..ITS (Y/N)!!! I smiled widely i havent smiled in a year

"SHES HERE!!!" I cheered and run outside "(Y/N)!!!" I hugged her tightly as i start to cry "IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK!!" Star shows up and smiles "(Y/N)!!" she glomps her making me fall with her since i still hugging her

We all stand up ,she looked confused "who are you guys?" That hit me hard my smile started to faid away "what do you mean? Remember me ? Marco and star?" Her eyes widen she had fear i her eyes she started to back away "s-stay away from me!!" I look at star and look back at (y/n)

"What? Why?" She slowly started to tear up ,fear all around her "H-HELP !!" She started to run away we chased her "STOP FOLLOWING ME!!" What does she mean!? Does she not remember us!? Shes nothing like this!

We run after her after a while of running we corner her "p-please dont kill me" she was a sobbing mess "(y/n) i dont know what your talking about ,me and star would never kill you we--" "NO STOP LYING!!! TOM HELP!!" My eyes widen tom appeared in front of her she hug him tightly while crying

What the hell is happening? Does she not remember us? "Hello marco have you meet my girlfriend" he sends me a smirk "WAIT WHAT!? (Y/N) IS THIS TRUE!?" She nodded as she hides her face on tom chest "yes, he told me everything what you guys try to do to me"

I fell on my knees,i started to cry and i look at her "why (y/n)...why did you end up with him!?" She pull away from tom now she is standing next to him "wow marco are you seriously gonna act all innocent now after you try to kill her" tom spoke up

What the hell is he talking about!? "WHAT!? I WOULD NEVER KILL HER!!!" He smirks "your so pathetic stop acting like that" "TOM!!" he turn around and see star caring (y/n) on her shoulders while running "(Y/N)!!" He runs after her while i run after tom

He must of done something Making her lost her memory that bastard ,he stops and turns around looking at me "YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID NOW THERE GONE!!" He growls and run towards me luckily i had star scissors, i open hes portal making him go through it

2 hours later

We put her on star room she started to struggle and cry even more "(y/n) please calm down" she looked at me "WHY SHOULD I!? AFTER ALL UR GONNA KILL ME!!" She kept on raising her voice on me, this is hurting me really bad ,i stand up and walk close to her "GO AWAY!!" I pin her against the wall she struggles to get free "LET ME G--" i press my lips against her ,she still kept on struggling ,then she bites my lower lip hard

"UGH!!!WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" I hold my lower lip "i have a boyfriend you know and i would never cheat!!" I frown but then turn serious "look (y/n), he must of erased your memory or something like that ,he is just trying to trick you" she crosses her arms "yea okay sure"

"You have been lost for a fucking year, a fucking year!!! Your parents have been worried sick!!" She sighs "tom told me they got killed because of you guys" i growled THATS A LIE!!!! ME AND STAR WOULD NEVER KILL YOU OR YOUR PARENTS! OR ANYONE!! WHAT EVER HES TELLING YOU IS A LIE!!! ALL LIES!! COME ON (Y/N) YOU MUST REMEMBER SOME STUFF!!"

I shouted at her making her flinch i slam my hand against the wall making her looking at me in fear "DO YOU NOT REMEMBER WHEN I TOOK ON A DATE!? DO YOU!?" I was now breathing heavily '"n-no..."

(Y/n) p.o.v

"N-no..." i dont even know what this guy is saying, is he just trying to trick me? Is he even telling the the truth or is tom lying to me? I dont even know what is happening all i remember was just waking up a year ago in tom room

"L-look uh marco right? Well all i could just remember a year ago waking up on tom bed that all i could....remember...." my eyes widen tom must of lie to me!!! I try yo think harder trying to think about the past before i woke up on tom bed but nothing pop up

"You know what just go, i know your not gonna remember so just leave" he sounded angry "but marco i can tr--" "JUST LEAVE!" i flinched and nodded

I started to walk away ,i went outside and tom notice me "(y/n)!! My darling are you okay!?" He pulls me into a hug, i hugged back "y...yea im fine" "okay thank goodness lets go now" i didnt move he turns around "heh come on (y/n)"

I bit my lower lip "i-is it true what marco said..?" He glares "what did he tell you ,like i said hes lying to you now let's go" he grabs me by my wrist but i move away quickly "or are you lying"

He growls "im not lying!!! Im your boyfriend and i save you!!" I look at him "are you my boyfriend? ,are you lying to" i started to walk towards him "(y/n) your pissing me off now l--" "no until i GET AND ANSWER!!" I saw him take out something like a towel "this is what happens to you if you dont listen" he walks towards me

"N-no stop it!!" I run away "you cant hide from me!" Tom shouted i kept on running i got cornered again "shit" i heard a chuckle begin me "look how adorable you are when your scared" i started to cry marco was right "HELP!! ANYONE!!!" He was right in front of me i closed my eyes until i heard him Groan and growling

I open my eyes and see marco fighting him "leave her alone!!!" Tom pushes him away they both stare at me

"Alright (y/n)!! Your gonna have to pick!! ME OR HIM!?" Tom shouted


Sorry i didnt update like i said school started >~< i was gonna update this yesterday but my tablet turned of in front of me and once i charge it i had ti start all over again ;-;

But anywho comment who you want to end up with

Marco or tom?

Well im thinking to make a chapter like who you pick like for example you picked marco then ill make the chapter about it that you will end up with him or if you pick tom then ill make it about him


Marco x reader x tom [ me or him?]Where stories live. Discover now