chapter 6

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After 5 or 10 minutes past i arrived to there house i was about to knock on the door until i heard an explosion in there back yard and yelling ,my eyes widen since im a curious person i went to that a peek

I saw star and marco fighting...MONSTERS!?" Wait what no that cant be , it must be imagination i rub my eyes and blinked a few times

Nope this is real i saw star blast the monsters as marco kick and punh them "wow so cool!" I almost shouted but good thing they didnt hear me , star blasted one more time making everything go bright i closed my eyes and after the bright went away i open my eyes and see every monster groaning as a short one uses..scissors? To open i guess a portal

"Come on lazy heads! Lets go you guys failed me!!" Each one of them starts to groan and walk in, i saw marco kick one of them since they where walking to slow after that he portal close i lean to much which made me fall on my face "OWW!" I sit up "(y/n)!" They run up to me, i look at them "oh,uh hehe hi" i smile

they help me stand up "you okay?" Star said as she looked worried ,i nodded "what where those monsters doing here?" I tilted my head there eyes widen "you saw what happen?" Marco shouted ,i nodded "yea...." star sighed "okay remember how i told you im from a different dimension? Well since i have this wand"

She shows it to me "im a princess there and the little green one he wants to take it away from me so he have the power destroy stuff and rule anything" i nodded "makes sence now" star nodded as well

"So um you needed help on something which is?" She raised an eyebrow "i did?" "Yea you told me to come here cause you ask me to help you on something" she waited for a minute to answer "Oh Yes of course! Silly me" she laugh awkwardly

"Well what is it?" she looked around, marco went inside hes house "to help me make cookies and um cupcakes!!" I raised an eyebrow but then shrugged it of "okay lets go" we walk inside and headed to the kitchen

"Star!" Marco shouted probably from hes room "be right back (nick name" i nodded as she headed upstairs

Star p.o.v

I headed to hes room and open the door "hey marco whats up?" He looks at me "what you guys doing?" He tilted hes head "oh we are making cupcakes and cookies,wanna help us?" He made a worried look "ih i dunno since you know what happen..." i sighed "marco thats just the past come on cheer up like I said i have a plan do just go with the flow okay?" He nodded and smiled

We go downstairs and to the kitchen "hey (n/n) marco gonna help us okay?" She nodded and smiled ,i saw marco blush a little, i grinned "alright guys lets start" we all noddes and grab the ingredients

I grab the flour and i drop it on 'accident' and it made a poof sound "uh...oops" i nervously laughed (y/n) giggled "ill go get some from my house so--" i stand up straight "NO!" She flinched "i-i mean no ,no need to do that, ill go buy some more" she nodded

"Marco can you hand me some money" i look at him "yea sure" he handed my money "alright ill be right back so why dont you guys talk or something" to that i walked out "i hope this works"

Marco p.o.v

After star left it became quite in the corner of my eye i saw (y/n) looking at me but then look at the window
"So--" "i mean" "you go first" "ha jinx!!" We both say it at the same time and then laugh she playfully punched my shoulder i chuckle "wanna go hang out then?" She nodded

"Oh! Can you show me how to do karate!?" She smiled widely "uh you sure? " she nodded "yes! Please!!" She made the puppy eyes ,dammit she looks adorable! "O-okay lets go to the back yard" she smiled and we headed outside

I showed her some of my moves,she kept on smiling and laughing "alright marco lets fight" she smirked "alright but im warning you im good at this" i grin she is now on her fighting position so was i

It was silent until she rushes towards me i step on the side i threw a punch but she dogged it every punch, kick she would move and turn "wow your really good at this" she grins "yup and you said your good at it" i felt a bit embarrassed "haha very funny"

I run towards her and she turn to the side but i knew she was gonna do that so i move as she did which made me fall on top of her "pfft!" I groan and notice (y/n) blushing red "oh,uh i-im sorry i--" she giggles "its okay marco" i blushed red "so um im sorry what happen yesterday i was...i guess jelaous.." she puts one hand on my cheek i blushed even red and look at her

"Its okay, i forgive you" i smile brightly and slowly stared to lean so did she i saw her close her eyes ,i press my lips against hers , so soft and warm

I felt my face burn a bit, she slowly wrap her arms around my neck i pulled her close i never want to let go of her,i want to be with her be by her side

I dont want his moment to end . After 3 minutes we pull away for some air, i look at her and smile 'maybe i should ask her now on a date' "(y/n) there's something i need to ask you" i stand up and help her up as well

"W-would you u-um i dont know w-wanna go on a--" i was interrupted by star shouting "HI GUYS IM BACK
!!" (Y/n) look at me "what where you gonna say?" I blush red "n-nevermind lets go back inside" 'dammit!! I guess ill ask her later on'

We headed ti the kitchen "wow whats up with you guys, your faces are red did i miss something" she grinned i blushed even redder "s-shut up" she laughed "alright , alright let's do the cupcakes and cookies!" We cheered

After a while we already baked the cupcakes and cookies we had fun making them likr star licked all the frosting and we had to go to the store to buy more and we made our own designs on it

"alright lets eat!" We smiled and started to eat the cookies and cupcakes we put on a movie and hang out for a while after star fell asleep (y/n) had to leave since it was 8:30pm "ill walk you home" she nodded it was silent

Once we arrived to her house i walked her in front of her door "well i guess see you tomorrow" she smiles "w-wait!" She turns around "w-would you like t-to go on a d-date with me" i blushed red i turned around and wiated for my answer

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Dun dun DUN!!!

Sory i haven't updated i was busy

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