Chapter 3

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Rogue's P.O.V.

For the rest of the week, Sting made a point to focus on the games and to leave (Y/n) alone. However, that didn't stop us from meeting at the fountain every night, sharing our thoughts and dreams for the future. She was such a remarkable girl. She dreamed of exploring more of Fiore, maybe even the rest of the world, after she makes enough from her bakery. She also wants to settle down and have a few kids after she travels, which surprisingly makes me happy.

The games were coming to an end, our last day starting in just a few seconds. Fairy Tail was going to win, there was no doubt about it, but I still needed to fight Gajeel. My unhealthy obsession with beating him seems to have caused a surge through me, making me feel invincible at that moment. The match started and we all went on our way, searching for our opponent. I sniffed the air, following the smell of iron. I at least have to try to surpass him.
Reader's P.O.V.

I watched from the stands as the teams went off to find their own fight in a new attempt to win the games. I watched Rogue's screen intently, making sure he didn't do anything to hurt himself.

"I need to beat Gajeel. I need to know that I'm strong enough to surpass my mentor. If I can't do that then I have failed him and myself." His words from the night before plagued me as I hoped for the best possible outcome. Gajeel easily took him down, hardly having to put up a fight. He and Rogue shared a few words, no sign of anger or hatred evident as they spoke with each other. However after a short time Rogue began having a panic attack, searching for something that no one else could see. People talked around me, worried about the dragon slayer, but I ignored them and watched as something overpowered him. He had such an evil look in his eye, his comforting eyes now filled me with terror.

He attacked Gajeel, sending him back as the fight once again took place. Rogue was now faster and stronger with this new form, whatever it happened to be. Gajeel was no match for him, unable to hit him as he quickly moved around him in his shadow form, even hiding as his shadow. Rogue grabbed Gajeel by the throat and I turned to see Fairy Tail watching intently, a little bluenette calling out for Rogue to stop. I then noticed Frosch watching, afraid of the new Rogue that filled the screen. Suddenly he hopped down and ran towards the exit.

"Frosch?" I whispered to myself as I took left the stands, chasing after the cat and watching the game as I went along.

Rogue finally released him, causing the iron dragon slayer to fall on his back in a puddle of shadows that soon seemed to attack his body. Gajeel then grinned and inhaled the shadows, absorbing the power and becoming the Iron-Shadow dragon slayer. Now able to use the shadows to his advantage, Gajeel was able to knock Rogue down. They both then turned into shadows and fought that way, confusing everyone as to who was winning. Gajeel grabbed Rogue out of the shadow and sent him back down through the roof. As Rogue tried to escape again, he grabbed him from the shadow and threw him up, finishing him with an Iron Shadow dragon roar.

Frosch ran as fast as his little legs would allow and I followed behind him to make sure no one would bring any harm to him. However, I kept my distance from the lacrima crystals, afraid that the guards would arrest me for disturbing the games.

Rogue's P.O.V.

"Stop! Rogue will die! Don't hurt him anymore!" I heard a small voice say as I slowly began to regain consciousness.

"The match is over. I ain't gonna touch him." Gajeel spoke and I finally realised who was trying to protect me.

"Frosch..." I forced out to reassure the small exceed that I was alright.

"Rogue! Rogue!" He cried and ran over, kneeling in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled and patted his head as he cried onto my shoulder.

"Hey," I heard Gajeel call so I tried to look up but couldn't seem to move.

"Huh? My whole body is..." I tried to sit up, but a surge of pain shot through my body so I just relaxed. Gajeel looked concerned, but stood up and waved as he went back to the games. I heard something behind me and sniffed the air to get a familiar whiff of lavender and soap. I strained to turn my head but caught a glance of (Y/n) as she moved out from behind a wall, looking around for something. She quickly made her way over to me and worry filled her eyes as she took notice of my weak state.

"Oh Rogue," She sighed and reached into her small bag, pulling out some cloth that she used to wipe the dirt off my face. "You should've been more careful."

"Did I lose?" I asked and she widened her eyes as she slapped my chest. "Ow..." I groaned and winced at the pain

"Rogue Cheney, don't think about winning or losing, focus on the fact that you can hardly move your body! I swear, you complain about Sting, but you're just as bad." She smiled gently and I couldn't help but laugh at her. "And to answer your question, yes. You lost horribly." She winked and I glared at her, but she just ignored it. After she finished cleaning off the wounds, she helped me sit up against a pillar and we watched the rest of the games with Frosch sitting on my lap.

We watched the reunion of Lector and Sting and I smiled, glad that this whole ordeal was over with and Sting could be happy again. I looked down at Frosch who had tears in his eyes as he watched and I smiled, rubbing his head gently.

"I want to be a person who cherishes their comrades," I spoke out and Frosch agreed happily. I looked at (Y/n) and she smiled, a small blush on her cheeks as she shyly placed her hand over mine, interlacing our fingers together. I blushed too, but smiled and squeezed her hand as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

The following evening there was a party at the castle to congratulate the winning team, Fairy Tail. (Y/n) walked next to me as my guest as we mingled with the other wizards. Her (h/c) hair was pulled up and she wore a long, pale blue dress. To say she looked beautiful would be an understatement. Just as everyone had arrived, Natsu finally returning the King's crown, there was a loud noise and the ground shook violently. I grabbed onto (Y/n) to keep her upright and she clutched onto my shirt tightly. Everyone ran outside and looked over at the horizon, witnessing something we'd never expected to see.

Dragons. Hundreds of dragons were flying over the capital. I looked down at (Y/n), her face etched with fear.

"What... What do we do, Rogue?" She asked and I held her hand tightly as I continued to watch them get closer.

"I don't know, (Y/n). I don't know." She nodded, a small tear rolling down her cheek as they advanced closer towards us.

This is just the beginning of an eternal nightmare.

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