Chapter One

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"Where am I?"; I say groggily as I open my eyes to reveal what looks like a slightly familiar living room of some house I feel like I've been in before. Im lying on a couch with a blanket on. Looking around, I continue to feel a sense of familiarity. But why? I've never been here in my life.

"Oh good, you're up." I hear a young male's voice, probably around my age, behind me. I try to turn my head but feel pain shoot up my lower neck and I gasp in pain and reach up to try and ease the hurt. "Careful! You're gonna make it worse, idiot." The guy comes into view now. He's definitely about my age, pretty tall, with long-ish dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Familiar for some reason. He hid his emotions well and I couldn't tell if he was hostile or friendly. Considering I was lying on a couch in his house with a blanket on, I'm assuming he's friendly. At least I hope so.

"Who are you?" I ask him cautiously.

" mean you don't remember me?! That's bad...really bad..." He replies, face-palming and looking quite panicked. I should be worried. He looks up again, makes eye contact, and says "my name is Grayson. I'm one of your best friends. We've known each other for four years now." Now it's my turn to panic.

"Why don't I remember you?! Oh my gosh, what else don't I remember?!" I say, wide-eyed. "Grayson, you need to help me get my memory back."

"I'm going to help you. Let me get our other friends over here..." He says, pulling out his phone and sending a mass text to a few people.

'Guys, we have a problem. Jade lost her memory. Come quick. -Gray'

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