Really none still

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Alex:still no more dares really?

Naruto:(sighs then crys)if there's no dares or questions then there's no book(Faints)


Alex:u son of a slutty bitch (slaps the dumbass hybrid) for the rest of the chapter u will be named that


Alex:KMT..... Naruto are u ok

Dumbass:(itachi)narubaby I'm sorry

Alex:damm Eeiidiat

Kakashi: oh is there gonna be a sex scene now(roles camera)

Alex:no but there's gonna be a beat down(get bat)

Kakashi:wait are u gonna f**k me now huh?

Alex:why u little(drags him in room and pushes bat in the pervert's ass)THERE'S UR GOD DAMM F**K!!!!

itachi&naruto: 0.0

Alex:again I say we are begging, asking(to lazy to remember others)and now we are bargaing for dares please

Dumbass:(asking)please dare or ask us anything..... U can still call me dumbass if u dare

Alex:DAMM EEIIDIAD!!!!! that's bargaing......... I guess u really are a dumbass hybrid

Dumbass:and UR a Jamaican boy who is my mean cuz

Alex:(pulls out bloody bat from pervet's ass)ok do u wanna turn into kakashi the pervert?!


Naruto:(bargans)please dare if u do I will strip tease..........

Dumbass: (takes him away)let Me see!!

Alex:oh god

Sasuke:did u get all that kakashi?

Pervert: yup I did(dies from blood loss)

Sakura:oh sasuke

Sasuke: FUCK RUN!!!!

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