Why did she go?

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Mikko watches Maya as she giggles over the joke he just ma and she plays with her brown hair as she smiles. They have been hanging out for almost the whole night and Maya has completely forgotten about her best friend at this moment. "Wow I completely forgot I met you at Sashas party" Maya says while once again meeting Mikkos hazel eyes. "Isn't it cool that both of our names starts with M, Maya?" Mikko says and ignores what Maya just said. She nods and he smiles. Maya can't help but look at Mikkos face. He looks so naturally handsome that it's weird. He's wearing jeans with a hole on his right knee and a tshirt. His hoodie is hanging over the chouch.

Maya wakes up and sits up. She stretches her arms and looks around in the room. The night had been so much fun and Maya is ready for another awesome day. She hops out of bed and get's ready for the day. Maya locks the door behind her and looks up at the bright blue sky when she suddenly remember something. Her best friend! Maya sticks her hand in her pocket to grab her phone and curses herself. She left it on her desk to charge. Oh well she can always call her later it's not like she's dead. Maya sighs out of boredom and walks down the streaat to the store. The sun is shining brightly and there's not a single cloud to be seen. The light wind makes Mayas hair move up and down slowly and the birds singing makes the time seem like a fairy tail. Maya gives the head titles in the newspaper stand a glance and her whole body drops.
"Yesterday a 18 year old girl went missing after leaving her house to meet up with her friend. The police suspects that kidnapping might be what has happened"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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