Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride

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"Come on Arianne! It's getting dark!" My best friend Selena urged," You know this place isn't safe at night and besides, we've been here all day."

I was busy exploring the off limited parts of the park as it was 10:30 pm and all the park workers had long left.

I felt a dark aura from the trees the closer I got to them. It was a strange and eerie sensation. The hairs on my arms shot up under my jacket, and it wasn't from the bitter breeze that the night provided. Out of the corner of my eyes up in a tree, I could see a pair of blue eyes, and a pair of green eyes, peering hauntingly at me from above. I tried to squint to try to make out the silhouettes, but before I knew it, they were gone.

I shook the image from my head and walked back over to Selena, who was standing waiting impatiently for me beside the benches. She tugged her beanie down, concealing more of her umber brown hair to keep herself warm.

"Come on let's hurry. I saw two creepy eyes watching me in a tree."

The park we were in was expansive, and it was a twenty-minute walk to the exit. Soon, condensation from my mouth partially obscured my already limited vision as Selena and I walked as fast as we could.

"Gosh, the temperature falls too quickly here." I heard Selena mutter grumpily, "Arianne it's your fault if I'm ill with the cold tomorrow." She jabbed me in my arm, a pout on her lips.

I chuckled. "Aww come on. You didn't have to wait on me!"

My smile was dissolved as that unfamiliar, and unsettling feeling blanketed my body from behind. It was that same feeling from before. Suddenly anxious, I gradually swivelled my head to where the sensation was coming from.


It was those things from the tree earlier. They were trailing after us from a distance, covered head to toe in black with nothing but their hungry gazes piercing through the dark.

I snapped my head back to the front, my breath hitching in my throat.

"Selena. Don't look, but I think we're being followed." I muttered, only slightly turning my head to her ear so she could hear me, and so it wasn't obvious I was on to the two stalkers.

"Arianne. I know this is just one of your pranks just so you can yell that you got me. I'm not falling for it," she deadpanned.

"I'm serious. Hurry up." I demanded, picking up the pace.

"So you're telling me if I turn around there'll be two guys following us?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed in a whisper.

She stopped and turned behind, "very funny." She rolled her eyes and gave a sarcastic laugh.

"What?" When I turned there was nothing there at all. It was just me, Selena, and the creepy trees. Was I hallucinating maybe? Was I really that tired? Or maybe I ate something weird. Either way, whatever it was that was following us couldn't have been there in the first place. Things don't just vanish, and even if they did, how would they climb a 20-foot fence?

I sighed a sigh of relief to know that they were gone, or maybe that they never existed.

"Arianne?" Selena whispered in a shaky tone, "are those the things you were on about?"

They were about 10 feet away from us. But how? And what were they? Were they some weird mutant humans?

"We have to run!" She declared, grabbing my wrist, and attempting to run the long way around the two things, opting to go through the grass rather than on the path. Hopefully, we could outrun them with the tag and football skills we had developed from being the main targets during physical education.

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